Biochemical assessment of F1 cherry tomato hybrids with different fruit colours

UDC 635.64:581.19

Topinsky A.I., Gavrish S.F., Redichkina T.A., Artemyeva G.M., Samoilenko P.A.

Currently, consumers have started to prefer higher-quality products that possess an attractive appearance and high taste qualities. For this reason, the aim of this study was to conduct a biochemical assessment of new promising F1 hybrids of cherry-like tomatoes with various fruit colors, obtained as a result of breeding work at the LLC «Research Institute of Vegetable Crop Breeding.» The research was conducted in 2022-2023 under protected cultivation conditions at the Alexinsky Breeding Center «Gavrish» in the climatic conditions of the Tula region (third light zone). During the study, significant differences were found between color groups in terms of a complex of biochemical fruit parameters. For example, in the fruits of yellow-fruited (orange-fruited) hybrids, the average content of dry matter (mean = 10.3%) and monosaccharides (mean = 6.2%) significantly exceeded the average values in other groups, while simultaneously being lower in ascorbic acid content (mean = 25.2 mg/100 g) and lycopene. In contrast, brown-fruited hybrids had the highest average concentration of ascorbic acid in their fruits (mean = 34.1 mg/100g), as well as accumulating significantly more lycopene (mean = 7.3 mg/g) and lutein (mean = 1.3 mg/g), while being lower than other groups in monosaccharide content (mean = 4.6%). Orange-fruited hybrids were distinguished by their content of prolycopene (mean = 3.5 mg/g), while prolycopene was not detected in the fruits of other color groups. Based on the results of a two-year varietal trial and a comparative analysis of economically significant biochemical traits, a number of hybrids with different fruit colors may be submitted for state varietal testing, which could subsequently recommend them for production under protected cultivation conditions. Thus, for further research, we recommend the following hybrids: red-fruited – k-1156/17 (F1 Berlino) and k-2717/20 (F1 Cheruti); pink-fruited – k-2749/20 (F1 Monami) and k-1362/22; brown-fruited – 2754/20 (F1 Roxy) and k-1405/22; orange-fruited – k-2742/20 (F1 Pikachu).

Key words: cherry tomato, color, biochemical analysis, dry matter, sugars, acidity, pigments, sugar-acid coefficient.

Topinskii A.I. (author for correspondence), research fellow, Research Institute of Vegetable Crops Breeding Ltd., applicant of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. E-mail:

Gavrish S.F., D.Sci (Agr.), professor, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gavrish group of company.

Redichkina T.A., Cand. Sci. (Arg.), director of Research Institute of Vegetable Crops Breeding Ltd.

Artemyeva G.M., Cand. Sci. (Bio.), research fellow at the laboratory of Solanaceous crops of Research Institute of Vegetable Crops Breeding Ltd.

Samoilenko P.A., research fellow of Research and production association «Gavrish», applicant of Kuban State Agrarian University

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For citing: Biochemical assessment of F1 cherry tomato hybrids with different fruit colours. A.I. Topinsky, S.F. Gavrish, T.A. Redichkina, G.M. Artemyeva, P.A. Samoilenko. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No8. Pp. 29-33. (In Russ.).

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