Creation of summer squash F1 hybrids based on gynoecious lines

UDC 635–152:635.621.3

Chistyakov A.A., Solov’eva Yu.A., Monakhos G.F.

The aim of the work was to create maternal gynoecious lines with high combining ability when crossed with monoecious lines and F1 hybrids based on them. The work was carried out at the N.N. Timofeev Breeding Station in 2016–2022. Hybrids, parent lines and standards were grown in the open ground, sowing was carried out on 19.05.2021 in pots with a substrate of 0.5 liters, seedlings were planted on 10.06.2021 in double repetition according to the scheme – 0.7×1.0 m, the area of the accounting plot – 2.8 m2. Fruit harvesting was carried out twice a week, taking into account the number of fruits from one plant and the weight of fruits from plants of each repetition. The combinational ability was evaluated in 2022 in the hybridization scheme of two groups of genetically heterogeneous lines, where gynocytic inbred lines served as maternal, and 6 monocytic lines served as paternal, of which 4 lines were doubled haploids (DH) – D2, D4, D5, D48 and 2 inbred lines – Cp and Can. It was found that the growth of gynoecious is uneven and strongly depends on the genotype. In the line Sa, the proportion of female-type plants in individual offsprings reached 90% already in the third year of selection and in the sixth year in most offsprings 100%. In plants of this line female flowers are formed from the first node with complete uniformity for this trait. At the next stage in the scheme of crossing maternal gynoecious lines with paternal monoecious lines, combinations with a high general combining ability in terms of fruits number and productivity were identified: gynoecious 19DR and monoecious D4 (doubled haploid line) and Kan (inbred line). It is shown that in all promising hybrids the effect of heterosis is based on a combination of high GCA of at least one parent with high SCA during their hybridization. The three best hybrid combinations will be submitted to the State Variety Test.

Key words: squash, breeding, seed production, gynoecious, line, hybrid, offspring, combining ability

Chistyakov A.A., junior research fellow

Solov'eva Yu.A., junior research fellow

Monakhos G.F., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), general director. E-mail: Breeding Station after N.N. Timofeev

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For citing: Chistyakov A.A., Solov’eva Yu.A., Monakhos G.F. Creation of summer squash F1-hybrids based on gynoecious lines. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No2. Pp. 37–40. (In Russ.).

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