Agro-ecological assessment of new generation potato varieties in the conditions of the Central Russia

UDC 633.491:631.5

Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I.

The aim of the research is a comparative assessment of new potato varieties based on a complex of economically valuable characteristics (adaptability, productivity, quality indicators, resistance to pathogens, suitability for storage and processing of various types of potato products) in a specific soil and climatic conditions. The research was carried out in 2019–2020 at the experimental base Korenevo of Russian Potato Research Centre (Moscow region) on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil with a low content of humus (1.7–1.8%), high – mobile phosphorus (278–342 mg/kg of soil) and below average – mobile potassium (64–130 mg/kg of soil). Planting density – 44 thousand tubers per ha according to the scheme 75×30 cm. In the agroecological trial, 45 potato varieties of different maturity groups were presented, including 41 of the new generation Russian selection, and 4, the most common, were used as standards (Udacha, Nevsky, Gala, Red Scarlett). Phenological observations, determination of biometric indicators of plants, quality of tubers, productivity, statistical processing of yield data were carried out according to generally accepted methods. For greater clarity and informativeness, the studied varieties were grouped by yield levels (>45; 40–45; 35–40; <35 t/ha). The highest yield (>45 t/ha) was obtained on average for 2 years for varieties: Debut, Varyag, Grand, Barin; with a level of 40–45 t/ha – Kumach, Plamya, Udacha, Crasa Meschery, Crasavchik, Nevsky; with a level of 35–40 t/ha – Nalchiksky, Gala, Sadon, Salsa, Derjava, Sudarinya, Utro, Signal, Dachnitsa; with a level of 30–35 t/ha – Corchma, Terra, Brusnichka, Hybrid 6–14–11, Zahar, Zumba, Yubiliar, Serdolik, Smak, Tretyakovka, Red Scarlett, Siversky, Avgustin. The yield of other varieties was below 30 t/ha. Varieties with a high content of dry matter, starch, protein, vitamin C and the lowest accumulation of reducing sugars were identified. The assessment of consumer and table qualities of tubers was carried out. The culinary type of varieties and the intended use of products were determined.

Key words: variety, ripeness group, productivity, yield level, tuber quality indicators, culinary type

Shabanov A.E., Cand Sci (Agr.), head of the department of agro-ecological assessment of varieties and hybrids. E-mail:

Kiselev A.I., Cand Sci (Agr.), senior research fellow of the department of agro-ecological assessment of cultivars and hybrids. E-mail:

Russian Potato Research Centre

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For citing: Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I. Agro-ecological assessment of new generation potato varieties in the conditions of the Central Region of Russia. 2021. No2. Pp. 29-33. (In Russ.).



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