UDC 635.21:631.563
Maltsev S.V., Andrianov S.V., Mityushkin A.V.
The aim of this research is to determine the efficiency of germination inhibitors appliance by storage of potato varieties for various target uses: table, for fresh consumption, special for processing into potato products and also as seed material. Studies were conducted in 2005–2007 and 2015–2020 using growth regulators based on active ingredient chlorpropham (Sprout-stop; Harvest-Max; Spud-nic) and the phytohormone ethylene. Potatoes were stored in the cooling chambers of the Russian Potato Research Centre at temperatures of 3–4, 5–7, 8–10 °C. Production experiments were carried out in the JSC “Ozery” of the Ozyorsky district of the Moscow region (at store temperatures of 3–4 and 8–10 °C) and LLC “PokrovskAgro” of the Engels district of the Saratov region (5–7 °C). Treatment with ethylene was carried out using the Restrain technology adapted to Russian conditions. The experiments were conducted in the conditions of sod-podzolic soil of the experimental base “Korenevo” (Moscow region, Lyuberetsky city district) with the doses of mineral fertilizers of N60P60K120 by their local appliance during cutting of ridges. In research was found that treatment of tubers of table potato varieties at a storage temperature of 5–7 °C with inhibitor Sprout-stop contributed to a reduction in total losses by 1.0–2.0% and at a storage temperature of 8–10 °C – by 4.0–6.0%. Moreover, it is most effective to treat the tubers of table varieties in March, and potato varieties for processing – in September. The use of the sprout-stop growth regulator on seed potatoes was ineffective regardless of the dose and treatment term. The use of inhibitor Harvest-Max on table potatoes of Gala variety provided a reduction in storage losses by 5.1 and 7.0% at total doses of the preparation 39 and 57 g/t. The use of inhibitor Spud-nic both separately and in combination with the plant hormone ethylene contributed to the reduction of losses of potato varieties for processing into crisps 6.9 to 7.7%. At the same time no significant decrease in biochemical parameters of tubers and in suitability of potatoes for processing when using germination inhibitors based on active ingredient chlorpropham was detected. The treatment of potato seed material with phytohormone ethylene provided an increase in total yield of the Lady Claire and Saturna varieties by 14.2 and 7.4%, respectively.
Key words: potatoes, inhibitor, germination, plant hormone, ethylene, chlorpropham, storage, seeds, processing
Maltsev S.V. (author for correspondence), D.Sci. (Agr.), head of potato storage and processing laboratory, Department of agro-ecological assessment of potato varieties and hybrids. E-mail: stanmalcev@yandex.ru
Andrianov S.V., junior research fellow of potato storage and processing laboratory, Department of agro-ecological assessment of potato varieties and hybrids
Mityushkin A.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), head of variety selection laboratory for processing, Department of experimental potato gene pool
Russian Potato Research Centre
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For citing: Maltsev S.V., Andrianov S.V., Mityushkin A.V. Efficiency of germination inhibitors appliance by storage of potato varieties for various target uses. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No3. Pp. 29-33. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.37.39.002 (In Russ.).