Tag Archives: aeroponics
The study of the elements of tomato cultivation technology in the conditions of subirrigation aeroponics at Fitopiramida greenhouse
UDC 631.234:631.589 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.55.99.001 Faravn Kh.K., Leunov V.I., Usmanov R.R., Tereshonkova T.A., Golubovich V.S., Al’-Rukabi M.N.M.
Posted in Vegetable growing
Tagged aeroponics, determinant hybrids, earliness, feeding, hybrids, low-volume technology, productivity, tomato, yield
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World experience in the use of aero- and hydroponic technology in the cultivation of vegetable crops
УДК 631.589.2 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.29.59.002 Kh.K. Faravn, T.A. Tereshonkova, V.I. Leunov, A.I. Selyanskii, I.I. Dmitrievskaya
Posted in Vegetable growing
Tagged aeroponics, hydroponics, non-substrate production systems, Phytopyramid
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