Tag Archives: mineral nutrition
The use of a novel silicon-containing agrochemical produced by PhosAgro to potato in the Non‒Chernozem zone of Russia
UDC 631.82.635.21 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.19.13.005 Grankina A.O., Peliy A.F., Nosov V.V., Demidov D.V., Sterkin M.V
The use of modern mineral fertilizers produced by PhosAgro to table beet in the open field in the Non‒Chernozem zone of Russia
UDC 635.112:631.816 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.68.36.005 Peliy A.F., Nosov V.V., Sterkin M.V., Nadezhkin S.M.
Posted in Vegetable growing
Tagged Apaliqua APP, foliar fertilization, mineral nutrition, table beet
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Modern mineral fertilizers PhosAgro on carrot in the open ground of Non-Chernozem zone
UDC 631.82:635.132 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.71.99.001 Peliy A.F., Nosov V.V., Sterkin M.V., Dubrovskikh L.N., Nadezhkin S.M.
Posted in Vegetable growing
Tagged Apaliqua APP, carrot, foliar top dressing, mineral nutrition
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Modern mineral fertilizers PhosAgro on white cabbage in the open ground of Non-Chernozem zone
UDC 635.34:635.342 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.83.57.005 Peliy A.F., Dubrovskikh L.N., Sterkin M.V., Nadezhkin S.M.
Posted in Vegetable growing
Tagged Apaliqua APP, foliar top dressing, mineral nutrition, white cabbage
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