Tag Archives: root rot
Root rot of chicory root and measures to reduce their harmfulness
UDC 635.54:632.25 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.60.30.004 Alekseeva K.L., Sokolova L.M., Kornev A.V., Smirnova I.V., Vyutnova O.M., Novikova I.A.
Evaluation of Fusarium fungus strains on affection of cucumber plants
UDC 635.63:631.526.32 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.76.39.005 Chistyakova L.A., Sokolova L.M., Baklanova O.V., Egorova A.A.
Posted in Breeding and seed growing
Tagged affection, cucumber, Fusarium, greenhouse, resistance, root rot, seeds, soil, temperature
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