Breeding a new original material of vegetable crops with valuable economic signs for conditions Primorsky Territory

UDC 635.11.631.52(571.63)

Mikheev Yu.G., Leunov V.I., Vanyushkina I.A., Kornilov A.S., Lapina N.V., Sinichenko N.A.

The results of breeding Federal scientific center for vegetable growing (PVES – branch of FSBSI FSCVG) for the period of 2017–2019 years. at the study of the genotypes of different eco-geographical origin to identify samples with economically valuable traits to obtain the source material and the creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids in conditions of monsoonal climate of Primorye. As a result, collections of thirteen vegetable and flower crops were studied and samples with valuable economic and biological characteristics were identified in vegetable crops and annual Aster for the conditions of the Primorsky territory. Thirteen genetic collections of economically significant vegetable crops and annual asters were formed based on the characteristics that determine the economic value of the gene pool in the monsoon climate of the Primorsky territory. The most important features among vegetable crops were the following: resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases, increased productive and qualitative properties, resistance to cercosporosis and the absence of ringiness of the pulp (table beet), increased carotene content (table carrot), winter storage (95,0%), taste, resistance to bacterial rot and the ability to set the bulb in a short day (onion), resistance to Anthracnose and productivity of the commercial blade (common bean), grain yield and resistance to cracking beans (beans, angular), resistance to perenospora and bacteriosis, and the simultaneous impact of early harvest (cucumber), sugar contents and sectional shape (a pumpkin large-fruited), resistance to the mucous bacteriosis and density of cabbage (white cabbage), disease resistance (tomato), yield (eggplant and pepper); asters annuals selected characteristics – lodging resistance, compact Bush, early and late flowering, resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases.

Key words: table carrot, table beet, radish, onion, vegetable beans, angular beans, large fruited pumpkin, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, sweet pepper

Mikheev Yu.G., D. Sci. (Agr.), chief research fellow, head of Department, Primorskaya vegetable experimental station – branch of the Federal scientific center for vegetable growing (PVES – branch of FSBSI FSCVG). E-mail:

Leunov V.I., D. Sci. (Agr.), Professor of the Department of vegetable growing, RSAU-MTAA named after K.A. Timiryazev. E-mail:

Vanyushkina I.A., senior research fellow, PVES – branch of FSBSI FSCVG

Kornilov A.S., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, PVES – branch of FSBSI FSCVG

Lapina N.V., senior research fellow, PVES – branch of FSBSI FSCVG

Sinichenko N.A., senior research fellow, PVES – branch of FSBSI FSCVG

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For citing: Mikheev Yu.G., Leunov V.I., Vanyushkina I.A., Kornilov A.S., Lapina N.V., Sinichenko N.A. Creating a new original material of vegetable crops with valuable economic signs for conditions Primorsky Territory. 2020. No7. Pp. 33-36. (In Russ.).


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