Category Archives: Annotated contents

№9, 2020en

Contents Main topic Potato diseases and how to control them p. 3

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№8, 2020en

Contents Main topic Glotov O.A., Gribova O.A. Training specialists of agricultural sector in secondary vocational in Russian Federation: modern tendencies p. 3

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7, 2020en

Contents Main topic Klimenko N.N., Khovrin A.N., Ognev V.V. 30th anniversary of Poisk Agro Holding. Breeding is an important vector of the company development p. 3

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№6, 2020en

Contents Main topic Factors which affect the effectiveness of pesticides p. 3

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№5, 2020 en

Contents Main topic Ignatov A.N., Gritsenko V.V., Dzhalilov F.S.-U. Risks of new tomato virus diseases spreading in the Russian Federation p. 3

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№4, 2020 en

Contents Main topic Sirota S.M., Pinchuk E.V., Shevchenko T.E. The Russian market of vegetables and melons and a balance of production and consumption of products p. 3

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№3, 2020 en

Main topic Konovalenko I.M. Market economy needs market laws p. 3

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№2, 2020en

Main topic Leunov V.I., Konovalenko I.M. Protection of national plant breeding and vegetable crops seed production is the main task of AIRSC p. 3

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№1, 2020en

Editorial. p. 3

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№12, 2019 en

Information and analysis A look to the future. I.S. Butov p. 2

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