Productivity and quality characteristics of potato varieties in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region

UDC 635.21: 631.526.34 (571.1)

Cheremisin A.I.

The purpose of the research is to evaluate potato varieties according to the main economically valuable characteristics (high productivity, quality, resistance to storage diseases and stress factors of the southern forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia) and, based on the results obtained, identify promising varieties for introduction into agricultural enterprises in the region. Field tests of the collection of varieties were carried out at the experimental site of the Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center in 2020–2021 on chernozem medium loamy soil. The object of research was potato varieties of Russian and foreign selection, various groups of ripeness: early-ripening varieties (Alyona – standard, Lyuks, Karmen, Legenda, Rozara), medium-early varieties (Nevsky – standard, Azhur, Dochka, Flamingo, Gala), medium-ripe varieties (Khozyayushka – standard, Bylina Sibiri, Zhenechka, Sokur, Vechernii Omsk). Early crop accounting and tuberous analysis were carried out on the 70th day after planting on ten bushes of each variety. Varieties with indicators satisfying the requirements of obtaining an early harvest have been identified. On average, over two years, the highest early productivity exceeding 500 g/bush was shown by the varieties Alena, Rozara and Lyuks. The varieties of the early Alena and Lyuks groups were distinguished by high marketability of tubers over the years of study – 61 and 58%, respectively. The average yield for all varieties with a higher amount of precipitation in 2021 was 3.3 t/ha higher than the same results in 2020, and for early-ripening varieties the difference in yield was 5.5 t/ha. From the group of early ripening varieties, Carmen – 28.9 t/ha and Lyuks – 27.1 t/ha were distinguished. According to the starch content exceeding the average level by 15%, the varieties Carmen, Dochka and Sokur stood out. A high vitamin C content exceeding 17 mg/% was noted in the varieties Alena, Karmen, Nevskii, Khozyayushka, Sokur i Vechernii Omsk. The concentration of reducing sugars in most varieties was quite low – an average of 0.50% according to experience. The varieties Alena, Dochka i Vechernii Omsk received the highest rating for taste qualities.

Key words: potato, variety, ripeness groups, early ripeness, productivity, marketability

Cheremisin A.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Head of the Potato Department of the FSBSI Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center. E-mail:
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For citing: Cheremisin A.I. Productivity and quality characteristics of potato varieties in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No3. Pp. 23-26. (In Russ.).


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