The use of microbiological fertilizers in planting early potatoes in the Belgorod region

UDC 631.87:633.491

Gasparyan I.N., Levshin A.G., Dyikanova M.E., Deniskina N.F., Smurov S.I.

Environmentally friendly products are in great demand. Microbiological fertilizers can be used to obtain it. The use of microbiological fertilizers helps to reduce the negative effects of climate change and increases the resistance of potato plants to stress factors. The purpose of the work: to study the microbiological fertilizer Slavol, which has a wide spectrum of action, on early potato varieties, and to identify its effect on the productivity of this crop. Slavol contains six components of microorganisms (Derxia spp., Azotobacter chroococcum, Azotobacter vinelandi, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium). The work was carried out in 2020–2021 at the site of the scientific and production laboratory for the study of agricultural systems of the Belgorod State Agrarian University. The soil of the experimental site is leached chernozem, medium-thick, medium-loamy on loess-like loam. The following varieties were used in the experiments: Udacha, Bryansk delikates, Red Scarlett, Zhukovsky ranniy, Meteor, Riviera. Experience options: 1) control and 2) the use of microbiological fertilizer Slavol, which included the treatment of tubers before planting (10 ml/l of water, soaking for 3–4 hours) and during the care period twice in the form of foliar top dressing (10 ml/10 l of water, the consumption of the working solution of 1.5 l/10 m2) the first treatment 10–15 days after germination, the second – during budding. The repetition of experiments is threefold. The variants in the experiment were placed by a randomized method. The area of one experimental plot is 25 m2. The planting scheme is 70×35 cm. It is established that the microbiological fertilizer Slavol has a wide spectrum of action and affects the growth and development of plants: the number of stems has increased (on average for varieties by 32.6%), the height of plants has increased (by 10.8%) and the total area of the leaf apparatus (by 32.9%). In potato plantings, the development of alternariosis decreased by 72.2%. The complex effect of the drug affected the yield of early potato varieties, which increased by an average of 12.3% in the Belgorod region.

Key words: potatoes, microbiological fertilizer, yield, varieties

Gasparyan I.N., D.Sci. (Agr.), Professor of the Department of Operation of the machine and tractor fleet and high technologies in crop production, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU – MTAA). E-mail:

Levshin A.G., D.Sci. (Techn.), Professor, Head of the Department of Operation of the machine and tractor fleet and high technologies in crop production, RSAU – MTAA. E-mail:

Dyikanova M.E., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Associate Professor of the Department of Vegetable Growing, RSAU – MTAA. E-mail:

Deniskina N.F., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Protection, RSAU – MTAA. E-mail:

Smurov S.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Head of the Research and Production Laboratory for the Study of Farming Systems, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V.Ya. Gorin. E-mail:

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For citing: The use of microbiological fertilizers in planting early potatoes in the Belgorod region. I.N. Gasparyan, A.G. Levshin, M.E. Dyikanova, N.F. Deniskina, S.I. Smurov. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No11. Pp. 30-33. (In Russ.).


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