Tag Archives: germination energy
Pre-sowing preparation of carrot seeds
UDC 635.132: 631.53.027 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.64.79.003 Yanchenko A.V., Azopkov M.I., Golubovich V.S.
Posted in Vegetable growing
Tagged carrots, germination, germination energy, inlay, seeds, sowing qualities
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Study of the influence of the microbiological preparation Slavol on the sowing qualities of nightshade crops
UDC 635.64:631.8 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.58.15.003 Dеniskina N.F., Gasparyan I.N., Dyikanova M.E.
Influence of seed treatment with microbiological preparations and growth regulators on biometric characteristics of tomato plants
UDC 635.64:579.69:35.337 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.30.23.001 Zhevnova N.A., Gyrnets E.A., Tsygichko A.A., Astakhov M.M., Sidorov N.M.
Quality and durability of seeds depending on seeds fraction
UDC 635–153 DOI: 10.25630/PAV.2019.29.84.007 L.V. Startseva, V.I. Startsev