Tag Archives: resource-saving technologies
Ecologization and mechanization of the production of vegetable crops, spicy-aromatic and medicinal plants in Belarus
UDC 365:631.5 (476) https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.28.26.002 Autko A.A., Autko An.A., Butov I.S.
Encapsulation of seeds is an important element of resource-saving technologies
UDC 631.53.027 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.93.2.008 S.V. Fefelova, A.M. Men’shikh, A.V. Yanchenko
Time, methods of planting and growth regulators as elements of resource-saving technology of potato growing
УДК 633.491 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.44.50.004 I.N. Romanova, S.E. Terentyev, M.I. Perepichai, K.V. Martynova
Posted in Potato growing
Tagged growth regulators, planting methods, planting time, potatoes, resource-saving technologies, yield
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