UDC 631.82:635
https: //doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.18.87.002
Belenkov A.I., Pleskachev Yu.N., Filin V.I., Abrashkina E.D.
Agrochemical science has convincingly proved that the effective use of fertilizers is achieved if they are used in a properly developed system, taking into account specific soil and climatic conditions, the properties of fertilizers, the physiological characteristics of nutrition, the planned yield of crops and their alternation in the crop rotation. A good alternative to the proven method of irrigation by sprinkling is drip irrigation, a more economical method of irrigation when cultivating crops. The drip irrigation system allows to reduce the volume of irrigation water supplied in comparison with sprinkling by 30–50%, and as a result, significantly reduce water losses for filtration and evaporation, significantly reduce the risks of rising ground water levels and soil salinization, as well as ensure the supply of mineral fertilizers with irrigation water (fertigation). Research objective: to study the possibility of using ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate and ammonium chloride for fertigationitomate in combination with leaf fertilizing with trace elements in the open ground in the subzone of light chestnut soils of the Volgograd region. The experiments were based on the method of organized repetitions with one-tier systematic placement of variants. To exclude the influence of soil differences on the results of research, four-fold repetition of each experiment variant was observed. The area of the experimental plot was 70 m2 (2.8×25 m), and the total area was 35 m2 (1.4×25 m). The width of the protective interline and end strips was 1 and 2.5 m, respectively. It was found that the most effective variant of tomato cultivation with drip irrigation in the Volgograd region is the variant that includes fertigation with calcium nitrate before the flowering phase-fruit formation, fertigation with calcium nitrate and ammonium chloride, starting from the flowering phase-fruit formation (75% N from calcium nitrate and 25% N from ammonium chloride) + one leaf dressing N20P20K20 + trace elements in the active growth phase (0,3% solution, 300 l/ha) + one leaf feeding N12P6K36 + trace elements in the flowering-fruiting phase (0,3% solution, 300 l/ha).
Key words: fertigation, drip irrigation, water consumption, fertilizers, top dressing, tomatoes, varieties, yield, product quality
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For citing: E.D. Fertigation of tomatoes in the open ground of the ERPC «Gornaya polyana» of the Volgograd SAU. A.I. Belenkov, Yuy.N. Pleskachev, V.I. Filin, E.D. Abrashkina. Potato and vegetables. 2020. No8. Pp. 15–18 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.18.87.002