Tag Archives: primary seed production
The status and growth trends of potato production in Uzbekistan
UDC 635:635.21:635.1/8 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.43.47.004 Zuev V.I., Ostonakulov T.E., Adilov M.M.
The state and growth trends of vegetable and melon growing in Uzbekistan
UDC 635:635.21/24:635.1/8 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.88.11.002 Zuev V.I., Ostonakulov T.E., Adilov M.M.
Posted in Region
Tagged breeding, culrivar, gross harvest, hybrid, irrigation, melon cultivation, melons, potatoes, primary seed production, vegetables, watermelons
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