Tag Archives: disease resistance
Comparative study of domestic early-ripening potato varieties in the conditions of the forest-steppe of the Novosibirsk Ob region
UDC 635.21:631.52 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.46.93.004 Gureeva Yu.A., Batov A.S., Safonova A.D., Orlova E.A.
Results of variety testing of medium-late varieties and hybrids of white cabbage and their keeping capacity
UDC 635.342:635-156 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2021.57.43.001 Virchenko I.I., Yanchenko E.V.
Features of disease affected varieties and hybrids of carrots and beets created in the Primorsky vegetable experimental station in the monsoon climate of the Far East
UDC 635.1.631.523 (571.63) https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.77.81.005 Vanjushkina I.A., Miheev Yu.G., Leunov V.I.
Persistence of modern varieties and hybrids of carrots and its dependence on the biochemical composition
UDC 635.152:635.132 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.48.63.001 Yanchenko E.V.
Tomato hybrids of indeterminate type for plastic greenhouses
УДК 635.34:635–152 DOI: 10.25630/PAV.2018.61.11.008 Т.А. Терешонкова, Н.Ф. Тенькова, А.А. Егорова, А.Н. Ховрин Приведены особенности крупноплодных гибридов томата индетерминантного типа роста F1 Алая каравелла (кистевой), F1 Румяный шар (биф) и F1 Рафинад (120–150 г) для выращивания в грунтовых пленочных теплицах, пригодные … Continue reading
Promising rootstocks for increasing of tomato yield and quality in greenhouses
UDC 635.01 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.28.38.002 B.A. Karimov, E.E. Lyan, R.F. Mavlyanova, M.Kh. Aramov
Plant breeding for disease resistance is a base of plant protection in organic farming
UDC 632:631–527 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.92.83.009 S.G. Monakhos, A.V. Voronina, A.V. Baidina, O.N. Zubko