UDC 635.01
B.A. Karimov, E.E. Lyan, R.F. Mavlyanova, M.Kh. Aramov
The article describes a new direction in the cultivation of vegetable and melon crops – vegetative grafting. It is shown that when using this method on tomato, for each variety, lines are allocated that provide the highest indicators of increasing commodity yield, average fruit weight, several components of chemical composition, as well as complex resistance to tobacco mosaic virus, brown spotting and Fusarium wilting.
Keywords: tomato, variety, rootstock, disease resistance, yield, fruit weight, chemical composition.
B.A. Karimov, research fellow, Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potato (RIVMCP). E-mail: uzrivmcp@mail.ru
E.E. Lyan, PhD, Head of the Department of Protected Ground, RIVMCP. E-mail: uzrivmcp@mail.ru
R.F. Mavlyanova, DSc, consultant of RIVMCP. E-mail: mravza@yandex.ru
M.Kh. Aramov (author for correspondence), DSc, prof., Director of Termez Experimental Station, RIVMCP. E-mail: aramov-muzaffar@mail.ru
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