Promising rootstocks for increasing of tomato yield and quality in greenhouses

UDC 635.01

B.A. Karimov, E.E. Lyan, R.F. Mavlyanova, M.Kh. Aramov

The article describes a new direction in the cultivation of vegetable and melon crops – vegetative grafting. It is shown that when using this method on tomato, for each variety, lines are allocated that provide the highest indicators of increasing commodity yield, average fruit weight, several components of chemical composition, as well as complex resistance to tobacco mosaic virus, brown spotting and Fusarium wilting.

Keywords: tomato, variety, rootstock, disease resistance, yield, fruit weight, chemical composition.

B.A. Karimov, research fellow, Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potato (RIVMCP). E-mail:

E.E. Lyan, PhD, Head of the Department of Protected Ground, RIVMCP. E-mail:

R.F. Mavlyanova, DSc, consultant of RIVMCP. E-mail:

M.Kh. Aramov (author for correspondence), DSc, prof., Director of Termez Experimental Station, RIVMCP. E-mail:

  1. Mudge K., Janick J., Scofield S. & Goldschmidt E. A history of grafting. Horticultural Reviews. 2009. Vol. 35. Pp. 437–493.
  2. Rivard C., Louws F. Grafting for disease resistance in heirloom tomatoes. J. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 2006. 8 p.
  3. Khah E.M., Kakava E., Mavromatis A., Chachalis D. & Goulas C. Effect of grafting on growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Greenhouse and open-field // Applied Horticulture. 2006. Pp. 3–7.
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Plant and multifunctional silicon

UDC 581.1:631.811.93

I.G. Tarakanov, L.A. Panichkin, I.M. Konovalenko, E.D. Abrashkina.

A review on the role of silicon in soil formation and conservation, phosphorus and nitrogen availability, growth promoting effects and stress tolerance in plants is presented. Perspectives of silicon compounds application in vegetable crops production are discussed.

Keywords: silicon, fertilizers, plant growth regulators, vegetable crops.

I.G. Tarakanov, DSc, professor, Head of the Department of Plant Physiology, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail:

L.A. Panichkin, DSc, professor, Department of Plant Physiology, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail:

I.M. Konovalenko, executive director, Association of Independent Russian Seed Companies. E-mail:

E.D. Abrashkina, PhD, associate professor, Department of Agriculture and methodology of field experiment. E-mail:

  1. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow. Soviet encyclopedia. 1983. 1600 p.
  2. Matychenkov I.V. Mutual influence of silicon, phosphorus and nitrogen-based fertilizers in the system soil-plant. These of Cand Biol. Sci. Moscow State University after M. V. Lomonosov, Department of soil science. Moscow, 2014. 136 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Rochev V. A. Influence of silicon fertilizers on soil fertility. Fertility and rational use of non-Chernozem soils. Perm: Perm agricultural Institute, 1988. Pp. 111–118 (In Russ.).
  4. Panov N.P., Goncharova N.A., Rodionova L. P. The role of amorphous silicic acid in the phenomena of soil salinity. Bulletin of agricultural science. 1982. No.11. Pp. 18–27 (In Russ.).
  5. Panova G.G., Anikina L.M., Kanash E.V., Udalova O.R., Shibanov D.V. Silicon-containing micronutrients in increasing plant resistance to stress factors. Agrophysics. 2012. No. 3 (7). Pp. 31–40 (In Russ.).
  6. Liang Y., Miroslav N., Belanger R.R., Gong H., Song A. Silicon in Agriculture: From Theory to Practice. Dordrecht: Springer Science + Business Media, 2015. 245 p.
  7. Dorais M., Theriault M. Beneficial effects of using silicon for organic greenhouse cucumber. Acta Horticulturae. 2018. Vol. 1227. Pp. 443–448.
  8. Wagner F. The importance of silicic acid for the growth of some cultivated plants, their metabolism and their susceptibility to true mildews. Phytopathology. 1940. Vol. 12. Pp. 427–479.
  9. Cherif M., Asselin A., Belanger R.R. Defense responses induced by soluble silicon in cucumber roots infected by Pythium spp. Phytopathology. 1994. Vol. 84. Pp. 236–242.
  10. Samsonova N.E. Silicon in plant and animal organisms. Agrochemistry . 2019. No1. Pp. 86–96 (In Russ.).
  11. Ma J. F. Function of silicon in higher plants. Prog. Mol. Subcell. Biol. 2003. Vol. 33. Pp. 127–147.

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Current state of potato and vegetable growing in Irkutsk region

UDC 635.21 (571.53)

N.I. Bolsheshapova, I.N. Abramova, Y.V. Boyarkin, S.P. Burlov.

The assessment of the current level of development of potato and vegetable industry in the Irkutsk region. Sown areas, yield, gross harvest of potatoes and vegetables in the region are considered. Recommendations for improvement of potato and vegetable growing industry in Irkutsk region are given.

Keywords: potato growing, vegetable growing, yield, gross harvest, acreage.

N.I. Bolsheshapova, post-graduate student, Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy. E-mail:

I.N. Abramova, PhD, assoc. prof., Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy. E-mail:

Y.V. Boyarkin, PhD, assoc. prof., Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy. E-mail:

S.P. Burlov, PhD, assoc. prof., Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after Ezhevskiy

  1. Bol'sheshapova N.I. Evaluation of potato varieties and hybrids on ecological plasticity and stability of yield, quality of tubers in forest-steppe of Irkutsk region: abstract. dis. ... cand. agricultural science. Tjumen', 2019. 16 Pp. (In Russ.).
  2. Statistical Yearbook Agriculture, hunting and forestry of Irkutsk region in 2016: statistical collection. Irkutsk, 2017. 205 Pp. (In Russ.).
  3. Statistical Yearbook Agriculture, hunting and forestry of Irkutsk region in 2017: statistical collection. Irkutsk, 2018. 199 Pp. (In Russ.).
  4. Statistical Yearbook Agriculture, hunting and forestry of Irkutsk region in 2018: statistical collection. Irkutsk, 2019. 185 Pp. (In Russ.).
  5. Agriculture of Irkutsk region in figures (2017). Irkutsk, 2017. 29 Pp. (In Russ.).
  6. Agriculture of Irkutsk region in figures (2018). Irkutsk, 2018. 45 Pp. (In Russ.).
  7. About results of the analysis of food of the population of the Irkutsk region [web resource] URL:;jsessionid=8734898A916151501EBF58E3B89C69F7.worker38?_101_INSTANCE_0Xcw_viewMode=print. Access date: 09.09.19 (In Russ.).
  8. Sown area and gross harvest of agricultural crops in 2017: statistical Bulletin. Irkutsk, 2018. 201 Pp. (In Russ.).
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What laws are needed?

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A look to the future

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Organic vegetables are on the basis of nation health. S.A. Vodanyuk p. 2 Continue reading

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Fertilizing of sweet pepper

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Evaluation of the chemical composition of roots of monogerm form of red beet during selection for high nutritional quality

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Hectares of the Kuzbass

УДК (571.17)

В Кемеровской области на долю сельского хозяйства приходится всего 3,7% валового регионального продукта, но региону удается обеспечивать себя картофелем и овощами открытого грунта и наращивать объемы производства прочей с. – х. продукции. Continue reading

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