Innovations from EuroChem company in action

УДК 631.82/.85

Один из крупнейших в мире производителей предлагает целый ряд новейших специализированных удобрений. Continue reading

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Results of selection of lettuce for use in small-scale production of the Rostov region

UDC 635.5: 631.526.32

O.R. Davletbaeva, A.N. Khovrin, I.V. Barbaritskaya, M.G. Ibragimbekov Continue reading

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Evaluation of promising potato hybrids for the conditions of the Irkutsk region

UDC 635.21:631.527.5 (571.53)

N.I. Bolsheshapova, S.P. Burlov

The article presents the research of productivity and quality of potato hybrids in Irkutsk state agrarian University after A.A. Ezhevsky. According to the results of a three-year study of the nursery competitive testing of potatoes in the forest-steppe zone of the Irkutsk region, the complex of economically useful features selected hybrids of interest for breeding and cultivation in production.

Keywords: potato, hybrid, quality, starch, yield.

N.I. Bolsheshapova, postgraduate, Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy, Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevskiy. Phone: 89086623363. E-mail:

S.P. Burlov, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Agriculture and Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy, Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevskiy. Phone: 89501298375

  1. Methodology of state variety testing of crops. Issue 1. General part. Moscow. Kolos. 1985. 268 p (In Russ.).
  2. Dospekhov B.A. Methodology of field experience. Moscow. Agropromizdat. 1985. 351 p (In Russ.).
  3. Rychkov V.A. Selection of a medium-early variety of potato resistant to disease and spring-summer drought in the Irkutsk region. Recommendations. Irkutsk. Publishing House of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy. 2012. 52 p (In Russ.).
  4. Burlaka V.V. Potato growing in Siberia and the Far East. Moscow. Kolos. 1986. 195 p (In Russ.).
  5. Vilchinskaya M.V., S.P. Burlov. Prospects for potato breeding in Siberia. Research and development for implementation in the agricultural sector: collection of articles. Art. Int. scientific-practical conf. young scientists (19-20 April, 2012). Irkutsk. 2012. Pp. 100–105 (In Russ.).
  6. Vilchinskaya M.V., Bolsheshapova N.I., Burlov S.P. Agrobiological assessment of potato hybrids in the forest-steppe zone of Eastern Siberia. Bulletin of Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy. 2015. No. 69. Pp. 7-14 (In Russ.).
  7. Bolieva Z.A., Basiev S.S., Kosaeva D.P. Evaluation of the darkening of the pulp of raw and boiled potato tubers hybrids of breeding FGBOU VO Gorsky State Agrarian University. Bulletin of the Gorsky State Agrarian University. 2016.Vol. 53. No. 2. Pp. 27–31 (In Russ.).
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Testing of chicory in control nursery

UDC 635.54:635–152

O.M. Vjutova, T.Yu. Polyanina, I.A. Novikova, V.I. Leunov, A.V. Kornev,
R.R. Usmanov

According to the results of testing in the control nursery, a new specimen of root chicory C 0428 (Favorit) of selection of the Rostov OSC–branch of FSBSI FSVC: mid-season, with high yield and economically valuable properties, a truncated root crop suitable for mechanized harvesting is given.

Keywords: chicory root, yield, form of root crop.

O.M. Vjutova, PhD, senior research fellow, Rostov OSC – branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail:

T.Yu. Polyanina, research fellow, Rostov OSC – branch of FSBSI FSVC

I.A. Novikova, research fellow, Rostov OSC – branch of FSBSI FSVC

V.I. Leunov, DSc, professor, acting dean of the faculty of agronomy and biotechnology, RSAU–MTAA named after K.A. Timiryazev. E-mail:

A.V. Kornev, PhD, research fellow of department of breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG–branch of FSBSI FSVC

R.R. Usmanov, PhD, associate professor of department of agriculture and experimental techniques, RSAU–MTAA named after K.A. Timiryazev

  1. Vilchik V.A. Chicory: recommendations for growing, harvesting, processing and use. Yaroslavl: Upper Volga book publishing house. 1982. 80 p. (In Russ.).
  2. Polyakov V.A. et al. Chicory is a promising raw material for the production of original drinks. Potato and vegetables. 2018. No.5. Pp. 20–23 (In Russ.).
  3. Luzina E.V. Nutritional value of chicory. Questions of nutrition. 2013. No.2. Pp. 62–65 (In Russ.).
  4. Manukyan L.S., Kochikyan V.T., Andreasyan N.A., Afyan K.B., Balayan A.M. Isolation of inulin from various plant raw materials. Biological journal of Armenia. 2014. No. 4 (66). Pp. 71–75 (In Russ.).
  5. Vyutnova O.M., Polyanina T.Y., Leonov V.I. Source material for breeding of chicory root. Potato and vegetables. 2015. No. 9. Pp. 34–35 (In Russ.).
  6. Dospekhov B. A. Methodology of field experience (with bases of statistical processing of results of researches). Moscow. Agropromizdat. 1985. 351 p (In Russ.).
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Application of modern mineral fertilizers PhosAgro on white cabbage.

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Influence of soil tillage system and methods of mineral fertilizers application on yield, quality of harvesting and storability of potatoes

UDC 635.21:635–15

S.V. Mal’tsev, V.N. Zeiruk, K.A. Pshechenkov, A.V. Smirnov

The article reflects the results of studies of various methods of preparation of sod-podzolic loamy soil and application of mineral fertilizers that ensure high yield and quality of potatoes when grown in the Central region of Russia. The technology is proposed, in the application of which the yield of potatoes in the experiment reached 54,2 t/ha, the total damage to tubers did not exceed 9,7%, and the maturation of potatoes during long-term storage was not lower than 95,0%.

Keywords: potatoes, tillage system, yield, fertilizers, fuel consumption, potato harvester, storability of tubers.

S.V. Maltsev (author for correspondence), PhD, senior research fellow. E-mail:

V.N. Zeiruk, DSc, head of potato protection laboratory

K.A. Pshechenkov, DSc, prof., head of group of storage and processing of potatoes

A.V. Smirnov, post-graduate student

Russian research institute of potato farming by A.G. Lorh

  1. Pshechenkov K.A., Mal'cev S.V. Potato planting technology // Potato and vegetables. 2008. №2. Pp. 9–10 (In Russ.).
  2. Vereshhagin N.I., Pshechenkov K.A. Complex mechanization of cultivation, harvesting and storage of potatoes. M.: Kolos, 1977. 351 Pp. (In Russ.).
  3. Pshechenkov K.A., Kolchin N.N., Mal'cev S.V. Technologies and means of mechanization for harvesting and post-harvest processing of potatoes // Potato and vegetables. 2012. №5. Pp. 8–10 (In Russ.).
  4. Fedotova L.S., Zelenov N.A. Fertilizer as a factor of high productivity and quality of potatoes. M., 2007. 180 Pp. (In Russ.).
  5. Pshechenkov K.A., Mal'cev S.V. State and prospects of improvement of potato planting on loamy soils // Bulletin of Ryazan state agrotechnological University After P. A. Kostychev. 2017. № 4 (36). Pp. 108–113 (In Russ.).
  6. Pshechenkov K.A., Smirnov A.V. Optimization of soil preparation technology and method of application of mineral fertilizers for potatoes // Achievements of science and technology of agriculture. 2016. №3. Pp. 17–18 (In Russ.).
  7. Machine technology and equipment for potato production / S.S. Tubolev, S.I. Shelomencev, K.A. Pshechenkov, V.N. Zejruk. M.: Agrospas, 2010. 311 Pp. (In Russ.).
  8. Mal'cev S.V., Pshechenkov K.A. Diagnostics of development of potato plants during the growing season // Protection of potatoes. 2011. №2. Pp. 26–28 (In Russ.).
  9. Results of testing potato varieties selection RRIPF / K.A. Pshechenkov, S.V. Mal'cev, V.I. Sedova, A.Je. Shabanov // Potato and vegetables. 2010. № 8. Pp. 4–6 (In Russ.).
  10. Pshechenkov K.A., Zejruk V.N., Mal'cev S.V. Dormancy period of tubers and to determine the factors // Protection and quarantine of plants. 2007. №8. Pp. 54–55 (In Russ.).
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Study of okra cultivars growing in greenhouses of III light zone

UDC 635.648

A.V. Konstantinovich, V.I. Terekhova, M.E. Dyikanova

The results of okra variety testing in soil spring film greenhouses are presented. Based on data of yield of okra in conditions of film greenhouses the most productive variety, Damskiye palchiki, the excess yield compared to other varieties was 0.3-1.3 kg/m2, that due to the large number of fruits per plant and average weight.

Keywords: okra, productivity, film greenhouses, product quality.

A.V. Konstantinovich, PhD, associate professor, head of vegetable growing chair, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail:

V.I. Terekhova, PhD, associate professor, vegetable growing chair, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail:

M.E. Dyikanova, PhD, senior lecturer, head of vegetable growing chair, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail:

  1. Zharov A.N., Popov V.P., Zharova L.L. Estimation of okra production in the world. Vestnik RUDN, series agronomy and animal husbandry. 2009. No.3. Pp. 5-13 (In Russ.).
  2. Vegetables of the world. Encyclopedia of world biological resources of vegetable plants. M.S. Bunin, A.V. Meshkov, V.I. Terekhov, A.V. Konstantinovich. Ed. by M. S. Bunin. M. CNSHB RAAS. 2013. 496 p (In Russ.).
  3. Khlebnikov V.F., Smurova N.V., Smurova N.V. Biological aspects of seed productivity of edible hibiscus (okra) in Transnistria. New and unconventional plants and prospects of their use. 2017. No. 512. Pp. 202–204 (In Russ.).
  4. The state register of selection achievements admitted to use [Web resource]. URL: date of access 21.01.2019 (In Russ.).
  5. Litvinov S.S. Methodology of field experience in vegetable growing. M. RAAS. 2011 648 p. (In Russ.)
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The effect of the growth regulator Lostor on the yield of garlic

UDC 57.044: 635.25/.26

A.V. Polykov, T.V. Alekseeva, S.V. Loginov, P.A. Storozhenko

It was found that double treatment of winter garlic vegetating plants with the growth regulator Lostor at a concentration of 0.1 g/l resulted an increase in yield by 15.9% compared to the control and by 8.7% compared to the Energia M, as well as an increase in the mass of bulbs by 18.4% compared to the control and by 12.0% compared to the standard. Pre-planting treatment of spring garlic cloves followed by double treatment of vegetative plants resulted an increase in the yield of bulbs by 28.9% compared to the control and 13.8% compared to the standard, as well as an increase in the weight of bulbs by 27.8% compared to the control and 14.3% compared to the standard.

Keywords: garlic winter, garlic summer, plants, growth regulators.

A.V. Polykov, DSc, professor, chief research fellow of biotehnoligical and innovation project department, All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – branch of FSBSI Federal Research Center of Vegetable Growing; professor of department botany and applied biology Moscow State Region University. Phone: +7 (906) 707-69-47. E-mail:

T.V. Alekseeva, junior research fellow of department of biotechnological and innovation project department, ARRIVG - branch of FSBSI Federal Research Center of Vegetable Growing; senior lecturer of department botany and applied biology Moscow State Region University. Phone: +7 (915) 460-26-05. E-mail:

S.V. Loginov, DSc, leading researcher, The State Scientific Center of the Russian federation State Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds. Phone: +7 (965) 180-07-63. E-mail:

P.A. Storozhenko, academician of RAS, DSc, The State Scientific Center of the Russian federation State Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds. Phone: +7 (495) 673-72-01. E-mail:

  1. State register of breeding achievements. Vol. Plant varieties. Moscow. 2018. Pp. 268–269 (In Russ.).
  2. Polyakov A.V., Razin A.F. Alekseeva T.V., Efficiency of growing of planting material of winter garlic in the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation. Agrarian Russia, 2018. No.11. Pp. 45–48 (In Russ.).
  3. Petrichenko V.N., Loginov S.V. Apply organosilicon growth regulators. Potato and vegetables, 2010. No.3. Pp. 14–15 (In Russ.).
  4. Petrichenko V.N., Loginov S.V., Turkina O.S. Influence of growth regulators and micronutrients on metabolic processes in table roots. Agrarian Russia, 2014. No.8. Pp. 10–12 (In Russ.)
  5. Polyakov A.V. Gladiator – a new variety of winter garlic. Potato and vegetables. 2013. No.9. Pp. 19–21 (In Russ.).
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Pink rot of potato is harmful for South regions of Russia

UDC 635.21:632.4

M.D. Erokhova, M.A. Kuznetsova

Described this disease of the potato pink rot of potatoes caused by Phytophthora erythroseptica oomycetes. The symptoms of the disease and the presence of pathogens of this pathogen in Russia and the world are shown. In case of emerging of Phytophthora erythroseptica in fields and potato storages, the Integrated Disease Management against this pest needs implementing.

Keywords: Phytophthora erythroseptica, pink rot of potato, Integrated Disease Management.

M.D. Erohova, junior research fellow. E-mail:

M.A. Kuznecova, PhD, head of Department of potato and vegetable diseases

All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology (FSBSI ARRIP)

  1. EPPO (2019). EPPO Global Database [web resource] URL: Access date: 05.10.19.
  2. Picard C. et al. Recommended regulated non-quarantine pests (RNQPs), associated thresholds and risk management measures in the European and Mediterranean region // EPPO Bulletin. 2018. 48 (3). Pp. 552–568. DOI: 10.1111/epp.12500.
  3. Picard C. et al. Recommended Regulated Non-Quarantine Pests: towards a wider and better application of the international concept in the EPPO region // Biotechnol Agron. Soc. Environ. 2019. 23 (1). Pp. 36–45.
  4. CABI. Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases. 1990. №083. Wallingford. UK: CAB Inernational.
  5. UNECE Guide to Seed Potatoes Diseases, Pests and Defects [web resource] URL:!/search. Access date: 11.04.19.
  6. Wale S., Platt (Bud) H. W., Cattlin N. Diseases, pests and disorders of potatoes. Manson Publishing Ltd., 2008. 176 Pp.
  7. UNIFORM® against potato diseases / M.A. Kuznetsova, A.N. Rogozhin, T.I. Smetanina, I.A. Denisenkov. Potato and vegetables. 2015. №5. Pp. 24–26 (In Russ.).
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The ping-pong effect of transatlantic bioinvasions (on the example of the South American tomato moth)

UDC 632.2:7

K.A. Perevertin, V.I. Leunov, R.A. Bagrov, T.A. Vasilyev Continue reading

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