Growing short-fruited cucumbers in a farmer’s greenhouse

UDC 635.63:631.526.32-048.24:581.16.043

The article analyzes the experience of producing small-warty cucumber in a farm heated greenhouse in the Ivanovo region. Currently, the organization of private farms for growing vegetable crops is gaining popularity. In the regions of the Russian Federation, various programs of state financial support for such initiatives often exist. Discounted loans are allocated, grants are provided for opening farms. At the same time, there are a number of technological problems primarily related to the lack of agronomic and organizational knowledge. The work provides an explanation of the choice of hybrid - small-warty short-fruited cucumber. The selection is based on analysis of consumer demand in the market, noting the increased demand and, as a result, higher prices for fruits with such characteristics. The design and technological equipment of the greenhouse are described. Detailed data is provided on the heating system and its features due to errors in design, temperature regime restrictions, and the results it leads to in terms of product delivery times and, therefore, the economics of production as a whole. Technological operations for caring for plants, planned shaping system, difficulties with pinching the plants, and ways to solve this problem are listed. Operations in the field of plant protection are listed. Data on the complex fertilizers used and irrigation strategies are presented. The timing and volume of product deliveries, prices for implementation, and revenue for the peasant farm for the spring-summer 2022 growing season are described. It is noted that the maximum revenue was received during the period of early product delivery in April and May since during this period the price was at a maximum and there were no problems with implementation. Only a comprehensive approach based on agronomic knowledge will provide economic efficiency of the farm. Improving the technology of cultivation and the heating system will allow planting plants and obtaining the first crop during periods of maximum prices.

Key words: farm greenhouse, small-warty cucumber, cultivation technology, greenhouse equipment, revenue, economic efficiency

Mokhov E.A., agronomist-technologist. Yug Agroholding Ltd. E-mail:

Fedorov D.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate professor of the Department of Vegetable Growing. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail:

Vorobyev M.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate professor of the Department of Vegetable Growing. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. E-mail:

  1. Varietal testing of cucumber F1 Kiborg, F1 Bavarets when grown in protected soil on light culture. D.A. Fedorov, V.D. Bogdanova, Yu.G. Filtsyna, M.V. Vorobyov. Vegetables of Russia. 2021. No2. Pp. 45–50. (In Russ.).
  2. Variety testing of hybrids of short-fruited cucumber when growing in protected soil on light culture. M.V. Vorobyev, V.D. Bogdanova, Yu.G. Filtsyna, D.A. Fedorov Actual problems of agriculture and innovative ways of their solution: a collection of articles based on the materials of the International scientific and practical conference. Kurgan. 2021. Pp. 22–25 (In Russ.).
  3. Daily monitoring of changes in the weight of cucumber plants in a modern high–tech greenhouse complex. M.V. Vorobyev, V.D. Bogdanova, D.A. Fedorov. Vegetable growing – from theory to practice: the practice of using innovation in vegetable growing: a collection of articles based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Krasnodar. 2021. Pp. 26–31 (In Russ.).
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For citing: Mokhov E.A., Fedorov D.A., Vorobyev M.V. Growing short-fruited cucumbers in a farmer’s greenhouse. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No5. Pp. 24-28. (In Russ.).

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