Study of the influence of the microbiological preparation Slavol on the sowing qualities of nightshade crops

UDC 635.64:631.8

Dеniskina N.F., Gasparyan I.N., Dyikanova M.E. Continue reading

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Fertigation management for vegetable growing

UDC 004.056

Fedosov A.Yu., Menshikh A.M., Sosnov V.S. Continue reading

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Problems of radish breeding and seed production

UDC 635.1:631.52

Yanaeva D.A., Khovrin A.N. Continue reading

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№10, 2022en


Leader of the branch

Romanov T.S.

The Federation Council is interested in the development of domestic breeding p. 3 Continue reading

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New methods for determining the varietal qualities of seeds of agricultural plants within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union

UDC 631.53.01

Pylnev V.V., Berezkin A.N., Vertikova Е.А. Continue reading

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Features of cultivation of two potato crops

UDC 635.21

Gasparyan I.N. Continue reading

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Productivity, yield of seed tubers and multiplication factor of potato varieties as secondary crop, depending on planting methods

UDC 635:635:1:635.2:635.21

Ostonakulov T.E., Lukova I.N. Continue reading

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Rational use of seedling greenhouse complexes during off-season period

UDC 631.544

Antipova O.V., Devochkina N.L., Lebedeva N.N., Lukshina T.N., Murav’ev A.Yu. Continue reading

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Cultivation of modern lettuce hybrids in open ground

UDC 635.521

Vorobyev M.V., Bogdanova V.D., Dyikanova M.E., Mironov A.A. Continue reading

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Application of organo-microbiological fertilizer AGROCHELATE™ when growing green crops

UDC 635.4: 631.8

Antipova O.V., Devochkina N.L., Engalycheva N.A. Continue reading

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