Efficiency of superabsorbents in growing of root crops on boghara
Cucumber in South of Russia: diversity of technologies and hybrids
УДК 635.63:631.544.4
И.В. Тимошенко, В.В. Огнев
В последние годы в производстве огурца получили распространение как весенние теплицы, так и зимние с регулируемым микроклиматом. В статье приведены особенности формировки и основные технологии выращивания огурца в защищенном и открытом грунте, разнообразие сортимента культуры огурца.
Ключевые слова: огурец, селекция, технологии выращивания, гибриды, южный регион. Continue reading
Size is not important – quality is important
Фермер из Горномарийского района Республики Марий Эл А.А. Бабушкин не только вдохновляет своим примером других, но и ратует за любовь к отечественной продукции. Continue reading
Nizhny Novgorod region: achievements and prospects
УДК (470.341):635.1/.8:635.21
А.И. Морозов
Представлена характеристика отраслей овощеводства (открытого и защищенного грунта) и картофелеводства Нижегородской области. Дана информация о районах и хозяйствах, выделившихся по производству картофеля и овощей, темпах строительства сооружений защищенного грунта, овоще- и картофелехранилищ, о государственной поддержке отраслей в регионе.
Ключевые слова: Нижегородская область, картофель, овощи, защищенный грунт, мелиорация. Continue reading
№1, 2018 en
Editorial P. 2
Main topic
Potato bacterial pathogens in Russia. A.N. Ignatov, Yu.S. Panycheva, M.V. Voronina, F.S. Dzhalilov P. 3
Nizhny Novgorod region: achievements and prospects. A.I. Morozov P. 8
Masters of the branch
Size is not important – quality is important. I.S. Butov P. 11
News P. 12
Question – answer P. 13
Vegetable growing
Cucumber in South of Russia: diversity of technologies and hybrids. I.V. Timoshenko, V.V. Ognev P. 15
Efficiency of superabsorbents in growing of root crops on boghara. Yu.A. Bykovskii, M.I. Azopkov, S.V. Fefelova D.S. Akimov, R.A. Bagrov P. 18
Disinfection of cabbage seeds from black rot. A.T. Orynbaev, F.S. Dzhalilov P. 23
Potato growing
Agronomical efficiency of Dutch technology of potato cultivation. Coy Camassu, A.V. Shuravilin, O.A. Zakharova P. 26
Predatory bugs in system of control of viral infections in seed potato. I.M. Pazyuk, T.S. Fominykh, K.D. Medvedeva P. 29
Breeding and seed growing
Obtaining a source of squash for breeding maternal lines of female flowering type. S.V. Kuz’min, A.V. Medvedev, A.F. Buкharov P. 31
Breeding of cucumber for open field. V.G. Vysochin, V.I. Leunov, Yu.V. Bortsova P. 34
Life is short – we must hurry. V.I. Burenin P. 39
Potato bacterial pathogens in Russia
УДК 635.21:632.3
А.Н. Игнатов, Ю.С. Панычева, М.В. Воронина, Ф.С. Джалилов
Картофель поражается с заметным экономическим ущербом по меньшей мере 54 видами фитопатогенных грибов, 39 видами вирусов, 19 видами нематод, 3 видами фитоплазм и 11 видами бактерий. Бактериальные патогены вызывают болезни различной этиологии: от мокрой гнили до «зебры чипсов». Примерно 8-12 лет назад появились первые сообщения о проникновении и распространении новых возбудителей бактериозов во всех регионах России, в том числе о заболеваниях, вызываемых бактериями родов Dickeya dianthicola, D. solani и Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. В связи с усилением в России вредоносности бактериальных болезней картофеля, вызываемых различными группами бактерий, необходима точная идентификация патогенов, изучение путей их распространения, сохранения и разработка мер борьбы, ограничивающих распространение и обеспечивающих снижение ущерба от бактериальных болезней. Мы оценили распространение бактериальных патогенов картофеля как на основе собственных данных, так и по опубликованным сообщениям.
Ключевые слова: картофель; бактериальные заболевания, диагностика, экономические потери. Continue reading
Testing carrot cultivars in the conditions of Moscow and Rostov regions
UDC 635.132:631.526.32
L.A. Yusupova, L.M. Sokolova, A.V. Kornev, A.N. Khovrin
The results of testing samples of carrots in the conditions of Moscow and Rostov regions are presented. The purpose of the research is to carry out a variety testing of carrots in two ecological-geographical zones and to identify differences in individual qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Research conducted in 2017-2018. The meteorological conditions of 2017–2018 in the Moscow Region (MO) were unfavorable for the development of carrots in the “fork” phase and the beginning of the formation of roots. In the Rostov region, hot and dry weather in July and August negatively influenced the growth of the development of roots. The material for research was 3 varieties and 3 carrot hybrids of the domestic breeding: Corsar, Shantene korolevskaya, Nante, F1 Tavrida, F1 Poisk 32, F1 Poisk 41. Field experiments were established according to generally accepted methods. The samples differed significantly in the length of the roots: roots grown in the Rostov region had a greater length than in the Moscow region, with the exception of the Shantene korolevskaya variety (11.9 and 13.2 cm, respectively) and the hybrid F1 (18.4 and 15.8 cm, respectively), which observed the opposite trend. In terms of yield, the varieties and hybrids obtained in the MO were significantly superior to similar samples grown in the Rostov region. In the south, during two years of testing, the Shantene korolevskaya variety (55.0 and 54.9 t/ha) performed best of all. In the Moscow region, the highest yield was shown by the variety Shantene korolevskaya (75.0 and 69.5 t/ha, respectively), hybrids F1 (73.2 and 69.0 t ha), F1 Poisk 41 (69.0 and 64. 7 t/ha). The spread of leaf diseases in the conditions of Moscow and Rostov regions was reduced to the fact that in 2018 compared to 2017, the samples were more stable, except for the F1 Tavrida and F1 Poisk 41.
Keywords: carrots, cultivar, hybrid, yield, quality, Moscow region, Rostov region.
L.A. Yusupova, junior research fellow, Biryuchekutskaya vegetable selection station – branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail: yusupova.lyuda88@mail.ru
L.M. Sokolova, PhD, senior research fellow of department of breeding and seed production, ARRIVG-branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail: lsokolova74@mail.ru
A.V. Kornev, PhD, research fellow of department of breeding and seed production, ARRIVG-branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail: alexandrvg@gmail.com
A.N. Khovrin, PhD, associate professor, chief research fellow of department of breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG-branch of FSBSI FSVC, head of department of breeding and primary seed production of Poisk Agro Holding. E-mail: hovrin@poiskseeds.ru
- Agafonov E.V. Soils and fertilizers in the Rostov region. Teaching aid. Persianovka, 1999. 90 p. (In Russ.).
- State register of breeding achievements approved for use. Vol. 1. Varieties of plants (official edition). Moscow: Rosinformagrotech, 2017. 484 p. (In Russ.).
- Litvinov S.S. Methodology of field experient in vegetable growing. Moscow: RAAS-VNIIO. 2011. 648 p. (In Russ.).
- Methodical instructions on approbation of vegetable and melon crops (ed. by: Pavlov L.V., Soldatenko A.V.). M.: Publishing house of FSCVG, 2018. 224 p. (In Russ.).
- Methods of tests on OOS. [Web resource]. URL: http://gossort.com/22-metodiki-ispytaniy-na-oos.html. Access date: 21.12.2018. (In Russ.).
- Methods of accelerated breeding of carrot for complex resistance to fungal diseases (alternariosis and fusariosis): method / V.I. Leunov, A.N. Khovrin, T.A. Tereshonkova, N.S. Gorshkova, L.M. Sokolova, K.L. Alekseeva.VNIIO. Moscow. 2011. 56 p. (In Russ.).
Biotechnology to potato breeding
UDC 635.21:631.527
A.N. Gantimurova, V.I. Kulikova
Hybrids of potato, developed in the Kemerovo agricultural research Institute – branch of scientific centre of RAS is characterized by a complex of valuable traits: high early and final yield, resistance to fungal diseases. We investigated the resistance of hybrids to pathogens using DNA-markers of known genes controlling resistance to Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida Will and the causative agent of Y-virus potato.
Keywords: potato, variety, hybrid, economically valuable signs, DNA-markers, resistance genes.
А.N. Gantimurova, research fellow. E-mail: anna_gantimurova@mail.ru
V.I. Kulikova, PhD, leading research fellow
Kemerovo Research Institute of Agriculture, the Branch of Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agrobiotechnology of the RAS
- Koroleva N.I. Use of SSR markers for genotyping autotetraploids and breeding and genetic evaluation of potato varieties and inbred lines: abstract of thesis of cand. biol. sciences. Moscow, 2013. 20 p. (In Russ.).
- Monahos S.G. Integration of modern biotechnological methods in breeding of vegetable crops: abstract of diss. doctor of agricultural Sciences. Moscow. 2016. 43 p. (In Russ.).
- Evdokimova Z.Z., Kalashnik M.V. the Use of genetic reserves of complex interspecific hybrids in the breeding of potato. Potato growing: collection of papers. Scientific practical centre of NAS of Belarus on potato and fruit and vegetable growing. Minsk, 2013. Vol. 21. Part 1 Pp. 161–168. (In Russ.).
- Makarov P.P., Sklyarova I.M., Yashina I.M. Methodical instructions on the technology of potato breeding process. Moscow. VASKHNIL. 1980. 35 p. (In Russ.).
- Budin K.Z., Kameraz A.Y., Baveco N. F. et al. Learning and maintaining samples of the world collection of potatoes: guidelines. Leningrad. VIR, 1986. 23 p. (In Russ.).
- Zadina N., Vinder I., Major M. et al. International classifier of COMECON potato species breeding Tuberarium (DUN) BUK. Genus Solanum L. Leningrad. VIR, 1984. 40 p. (In Russ.).
- Dospekhov B.A. Methodology of field experiment. Moscow. Agropromizdat, 1985. 351 p. (In Russ.).
- Sorokin O.D. Applied statistics on the computer. Krasnoobsk. RAAS. 2004. 162 p. (In Russ.).
- Anisimov B.V. Phytopathogenic viruses and their control in potato seed production (practical guide). Moscow. Rosinformagrotech. 2004. 80 p. (In Russ.).
New perspective potatoes varieties and their characteristic
UDC 635.21:631.526.32
Kh.Kh. Apshev, N.A. Timoshina, E.V. Knyazeva, L.S. Fedotova
The work presents the characteristics of eight new varieties of potato of russian selection of early and early ripening groups: Kladez, Korchma, Kralek, Kupets, Patriot, Prizier, Tretyakovka, Elixir. Productivity of new varieties is 1.5–14.7 t/ha higher than standards. New varieties characterize high starch content, vitamin C content, excellent taste, low nitrate content and medium – reducing sugars. Special attention should be paid to the varieties Kralek (pink pulp) and Elixir (red pulp). These varieties are intended for dietary nutrition and contains anthocyanins (antioxidants). Also they differ excellent taste.
Keywords: potatoes, varieties, taste, productivity, biochemical indicators.
Kh.Kh. Apshev, PhD, head of laboratory of plant breeding. E-mail: coordinazia@mail.ru
N.A. Timoshina, PhD, senior research fellow, laboratory of agrochemistry and biochemistry. E-mail: coordinazia@mail.ru
E.V. Knyazeva, research fellow, laboratory of agrochemistry and biochemistry. E-mail: coordinazia@mail.ru
L.S. Fedotova, DSc, professor, head of laboratory of agrochemistry and biochemistry. E-mail: coordinazia@mail.ru
Lorch Potato Research Institute
- Methods of research on potato crop. Moscow. NIIKH. 1967. 262 p. (In Russ.).
- Ermakov A.I. et al. Methods of biochemical research of plants. Leningrad. Kolos, 1972. 456 p. (In Russ.).
- Methods of physiological and biochemical studies of potatoes. Moscow: NIIKH, 1989. 142 p. (In Russ.).
- Method of determination of table qualities of potatoes. Leningrad. VIR, 1969. P. 12 (In Russ.).
- Manual on methods of quality and safety control of dietary supplements to food. Moscow. 2004. 72 p. (In Russ.).
- Piskun G.I. The role of variety in the innovative development of potato growing. Potato growing: collection of papers. Minsk. 2010. Vol. 17. Pp. 66–75. (In Russ.).