Technology and equipment for potato growing at the exhibition Рotato Europe 2018

UDC 635.21:631.3

N.N. Kolchin, V.P. Elizarov, V.N. Zernov, S.N. Petukhov

The article describes the latest and positive results of research in various promising areas of technology and technique for potato production, which were demonstrated at the exhibition Potato Europe 2018 (Germany). On the example of combines and planters shows the widespread use of different schemes of automation on machines for potato. New varieties of potatoes, including Macarena, were also demonstrated.

Keywords: potato growing, exhibitions, potato harvester, potato planters, technology, automation.

N.N. Kolchin, DSc, professor, chief research fellow, All-Russian institute of Mechanization (ARRIM).E-mail:

V.P. Elizarov, DSc, professor, the deputy director, ARRIM.E-mail:

V.N. Zernov, PhD, leading research fellow, ARRIM. E-mail:

S.N. Petukhov, PhD, leading research fellow, ARRIM. E-mail:

  1. United Nations. General Assembly. Advanced Unedited Copy. Sixty-six session Item 20 (a) of the professional agenda. 15.08.2011. A.66.100. P. 22.
  2. Kolchin N.N. Complexes of machines and equipment for post-harvest processing of potatoes and vegetables. Moscow. Mashinostroenie, 1982. 268 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Potato Europe-2018 [Web resource] URL: Access date: 10.12.18
  4. Petrov G.D. Potato harvesting machines. Moscow. Mashinostroenie. 1984. 320 p. (In Rus.).
  5. Information Source for the global Potato Industry [Web resource]. URL: www.р Access date: 11.11.18

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Productivity and biometric indicators of tomato fruits depending on the illumination

UDC [635.64:631.559]:631.544

E.V. Sokolova, V.M. Merzlyakova

Indeterminate hybrid of tomato F1 Torero on coconut substrate can be recommended for cultivation in protected soil in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic. The results of the 2017–2018 studies showed that the illumination influenced the number of fruits on the plant (R = 0.56 and 0.71, respectively) and the number of fruit-bearing brushes on the plant (R = 0.90 and 0.82, respectively).

Keywords: tomato, yield, winter-spring turnover, illumination, protected ground, tomato biometric indicators.

E.V. Sokolova, PhD, associate professor, department of fruit and vegetable, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy.

V.M. Merzlyakovа, PhD, associate professor, department of chemistry, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. Phone: +7 (912) 446–60–30. E-mail:

  1. Production of greenhouse tomatoes has grown by 25% [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 20.09.2018 (In Russ.).
  2. Bashkov A.S., Lekontseva E.V., Ivanova T.E. Influence of multifunctional fertilizers on winter garlic yield and obtaining health planting material in the Udmurt Republic. Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals, 2014. No.9. Pp. 58–61 (In Russ.).
  3. Korobeynikova O.V. Phytosporin-M on tomato. Potato and vegetables. 2016. No.6. Pp. 16–17 (In Russ.).
  4. Lebedeva M.A., Tutova T.N. Influence of cultivar on productivity and quality of tomato fruits. Bulletin of Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. 2013. No. 2 (39). Pp. 98–100 (In Russ.).
  5. Lekomtseva E.V., Ivanova T.E., Ivanov I.L., Bortnik T.Yu. Potato fertilizer. Potato and vegetables. 2015. No.4. Pp. 34–35 (In Russ.).
  6. Merzlyakov V.V., Sokolova E.V., Sentemov V.V. Minerals with macropolicy. Gavrish. 2015. No. 2. Pp. 34–39 (In Russ.).
  7. Nesmelova L.A. Fedorov A.V. Correlation of biometric indicators of leaf radish with climatic factors of the Udmurt Republic. Innovative technologies for the implementation of the program of scientific and technical development of agriculture. .Izhevsk: Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, 2018. Vol. Pp. 86–90 (In Russ.).
  8. Sokolova E.V., Merzlyakova V.M. New tomatoes for protected soil. Gavrish. 2017. No.2. Pp. 32–37 (In Russ.).
  9. Sokolova E.V., Merzlyakova V.M. The Prospect of using new hybrids of tomato protected soil. Science-based technologies of intensification of agricultural production. Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, 2017. Vol. Pp. 102–104 (In Russ.).
  10. Sokolova E.V., Merzlyakov, V.M., Korobeynikova O.V. Hybrids of tomato for greenhouses in Udmurt Republic. Potato and vegetables. 2018. No.7. Pp. 39–40 (In Russ.).
  11. Sokolova E.V., Merzlyakov, V.M. The efficiency of the substrates when growing indeterminate hybrids of tomato in winter-spring rotation. Implementation of the principles of agriculture in modern agricultural production. Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, 2017. Vol. Pp. 221–224 (In Russ.).
  12. Tutova T.N. Influence of variety on productivity and quality of tomato fruits. Agronomy faculty-60 years: coll. of paper. Izhevsk State Agricultura Academy. 2014. Pp. 157–158 (In Russ.).
  13. Dospekhov B.A. Methodology of field experiment. M: Agropromizdat, 1985. 351 p. (In Russ.).

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Biological preparation for protection and yield increase of onion

UDC 635.25:632.937

V.P. Tsvetkova, V.S. Maslennikova

In 2017-2018, the growth-promoting and fungicidal action of a biological preparation on onions in Novosibirsk region was investigated. As a result, it was established that the biological preparation Fitop 8.67, based on bacteria of the genus Bacillus, has a fungicidal effect on Fusarium, Aspergillus and Peronospora destructor on onions, and also contributes to increasing yield by 20%.

Keywords: onion variety Stuttgarter Riesen, biological preparation, Fitop 8.67, yield.

V.I. Tsvetkova, PhD, associate professor, department of plant protection, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University. Е-mail:

V.S. Maslennikova, postgraduate of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University. Е-mail:

  1. Federal state statistics service. Acreage of agricultural crops by categories of farms in the Novosibirsk region. [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 16.10.2018 (In Russ.).
  2. Shternshis M.V. Trends in the development of biotechnology for microbial plant protection products in Russia. Vestnik of Tomsk State University. Biology. 2012. No. 2 (18). Pp. 92–100 (In Russ.).
  3. Shternshis M.V. Biopreparations in plant protection: a manual. The Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation. Novosibirsk. State Agrarian. University. Novosibirsk, 2000. 128 p. (In Russ.).
  4. Litvinov S.S. Methodology of field experiment in vegetable growing. Moscow: VNIIO-RAAS. 2011. 636 p. (In Russ.).
  5. Dospekhov B.A. Methodology of field experiment. Moscow: Agropromizdat. 1985. 350 p.

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The results of studies on the prevention of downy mildew of onions

UDC 635.1/8

I.I. Irkov, A.I. Denisenko, N.A. Gadzhikurbanov, A.B. Polezhaev

Presented three-year results of studies on the prevention of downy mildew of onion in annual crop using rhizosphere bacteria drugs Extrasol, Azotovit, Fosfatavit together with humates and fungicides. The authentic efficiency of the experimental variants relative to the control with a yield of 70.0–80.0 t/ha in epiphytotic condition.

Keywords: onion-turnip, fungous diseases, epiphytoty, immunity, rhizosphere bacteria, humates, fungicides.

I.I. Irkov, PhD, leading research fellow, ARRIVG-branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. E-mail:

A.I. Denisenko, executive director «ATI» LLC. E-mail:

N.A. Gadzhikurbanov, agronomist-consultant «ATI» LLC. E-mail:

A.B. Polezhaev, manager «Neoport» LLC. E-mail:

  1. Litvinov S.S., Razin A.F., Shatilov M.V., Ivanova M.I. Onion market: current state and main trends. Economics of agricultural and processing enterprises. 2017. No. 1. Pp. 58–60 (In Russ.).
  2. Akhatov A. K. et al. Diseases and pests of vegetable crops and potatoes. Moscow. Association of scientific publications KMK. 2013. 463 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Kupreenko N.P. Diseases of onions in Belarus. Minsk. Belprint. 2005. 119 p. (In Russ.).
  4. Irkov I.I., Bernaz N.I., Bagrov R.A., Alekseeva K. L. protection of onions. Potato and vegetables. 2016.  No. 7. Pp. 14–17 (In Russ.).
  5. Litvinov S.S. Scientific bases of modern vegetable growing. Moscow. Russian Agricultural Academy, 2008. 771 p. (In Russ.).
  6. Borisov V.A., Litvinov S.S., Romanova A.V. Quality and storageability of vegetables. Moscow. GNU VNIIO. 2003. 625 p. (In Russ.).
  7. Chebotar V.K. et al. Microbiological preparations of living rhizosphere bacteria of complex action of Extrasol group (recommendations). Saint-Petersburg. FSBI RESEARCH CENTRE. 2016. 35 p. (In Russ.).
  8. Recommendations for use Azotovit and Phosphatemia. Moscow. Industrial innovations. 2016. P. 2 (In Russ.).
  9. Register of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use in the Russian Federation 2017. Moscow. Publishing House Agrorus. 2017. 938 p. (In Russ.).
  10. Dospekhov B.A. Methodology of field experience. Moscow. Agropromizdat. 1985. 351 p. (In Russ.).
  11. Borisov V.A. System of fertilization of vegetable crops. Moscow: Rosinformagrotech. 2016. 392 p. (In Russ.).

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Aspects of agrotechnology of the perennial wall-rocket in open ground

UDC 635.4

A.V. Litnetskii, M.I. Ivanova, A.I. Kashleva, D.N. Baleev, A.F. Bukharov, V.V. Mikhailov, N.L. Devochkina

The agrotechnology of the perennial wall-rocket is presented on the example of LLC Felichita, specializing in its industrial cultivation in the central strip of Russia. In the Moscow region in the open ground seeds are sown from May to mid-August, Tula region - from the end of April to the end of August by an interval of 7 days. The productivity varies from 1.9 to 8.4 g/plant, the yield is from 0.5 to 1.8 t / ha for each growing cycle, the total yield exceeds 35 t/ha.

Keywords: Perennial wall-rocket, Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) D.C., agrotechnology, yield, open ground.

A.V. Litnetskii, applicant

M.I. Ivanova, DSc, professor of RAS, head of laboratory of breeding and seed growing of green crops. E-mail:

A.I. Kashleva, PhD, senior research fellow, laboratory of breeding and seed growing of green crops

D.N. Baleev, PhD, senior research fellow, laboratory of seed research

A.F. Bukharov, DSc, head of laboratory of seed research

V.V. Mikhailov, PhD, senior research fellow, laboratory of breeding and seed growing of green crops

N.L. Devochkina, DSc, chief research fellow of the department for greenhouse plant crop breeding

All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – branch of the FSBSI «Federal Scientific Vegetable  Center»

  1. Ivanova M.I., Bukharov A.F., Litnetsky A.V., Razin A.F., Meshcheryakova R.A. Fundamental differences between the thin-leaved diplotaxis (Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.)).) and indau sowing (Eruca sativa Mill.) when cultured under production conditions. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2018. No. 1. Pp. 14–19 (In Russ.).
  2. Caruso G., Parrella G., Giorgini M., Nicoletti R. Crop Systems, Quality and Protection of Diplotaxis tenuifolia. Agriculture. 2018. No. 8. P. 55 (In Russ.).
  3. Bonasia A., Lazzizera C., Elia A., Conversa G. Nutritional, biophysical and physiological characteristics of wild rocket genes as affected by soilless cultivation system, salinity level of nutrient solution and growing period. Front. Plant Sci. 2017. No. 8. P. 35.
  4. Schiattone M. I., Viggiani R., Di Venere D., Sergio L., Cantore V., Todorovic M., Perniola M., Candido V. Impact of irrigation regime and nitrogen rate on yield, quality and water use efficiency of wild rocket under greenhouse conditions. Sci. Hortic. 2018. Vol. 229. Pp. 182–192.
  5. Litnetsky A.V., Litnetskaya O. I., Ivanova M. I. Production of organic seedlings (baby leaf) of thin-leaved double-row. Potato and vegetables. 2016. No.5. Pp. 25–27 (In Russ.).
  6. Conforti F., Perri V., Menichini F., Marrelli M., Uzunov D., Statti G.A., Menichini F. Wild Mediterranean dietary plants as inhibitors of pancreatic lipase. Phytother. Res. 2012. Vol. 26. Pp. 600–604.
  7. Kovacic M., Veberic R., Ugrinovic K., Jakše M. Glucosinolate analysis of wild rocket [Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) D.C.] from different Slovenian regions cultivated on two growing systems. Eur. J. Hortic. Sci. 2015. Vol. 80. Pp. 199–207.
  8. Klein E., Katan J., Gamliel A. Combining residues of herb crops with soil heating for control of soilborne pathogens in a controlled laboratory system. Crop Prot. 2011. Vol. 30. Pp. 368–374.

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Environmentally safe production of sweet pepper in spring greenhouses

UDC 635.649:632.937:631.67

V.V. Ognev, T.V. Chernova, A.N. Kostenko, E.N. Gabibova, V.K. Mukhortova, S.S. Avdeenko

The characteristic of sweet pepper hybrids for spring greenhouses and the technology of their cultivation using green manure and biological plant protection is given. It allows to obtain environmentally safe produce.

Keywords: sweet pepper, hybrid, spring greenhouse, biological protection, green manure

V.V. Ognev, PhD, associate professor, director of breeding and seed production centre Rostovsky, Poisk Agro Holding.E-mail: (correspondence)

T.V. Chernova, breeder of breeding and seed production centre Rostovsky, Poisk Agro Holding

A.N. Kostenko, PhD, head of promotion department, Poisk Agro Holding

E.N. Gabibova, PhD, associate professor, Don State Agrarian University

V.K. Muchortova, PhD, associate professor, Don State Agrarian University

S.S. Avdeenko, PhD, associate professor, Don State Agrarian University

  1. Klimenko N.N., Khovrin A.N., Ognev V.V. Poisk Agroholding. Breeding of health and longevity. Potato and vegetables. 2017. No. 9. Pp. 8–10 (In Russ.).
  2. Pyshnaya O.N., Mamedov M.I., Pivovarov V.F. Pepper breeding. Moscow. VNIISSOK, 2012. 248 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Ognev V.V., Chernova T.V., Geraskina N.V. Source material of sweet pepper. Potato and vegetables. 2015. No. 6. Pp. 14–15 (In Russ.).
  4. Litvinov S.S., Nurmetov R.D. Protected soil-development strategy. Potato and vegetables. 2013. No. 10. P. 10 (In Russ.).
  5. Ognev V.V., Chernova T.V. Pepper in plastic greenhouses in the South of Russia. Potato and vegetables. 2014. No. 2. Pp. 17–19.
  6. Monahos G.F. Breeding and seed production of vegetable crops in Russia at the present stage. Vegetable Grower Herald. 2012. No. 1. Pp. 15–21 (In Russ.).
  7. Litvinov S.S. Methodology of field experiment in vegetable growing. Moscow: RAAS. VNIIO. 2011. 648 p. (In Russ.).

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Dynamics raises hopes

UDC 635.21:(470.56)

I.A. Gurinovich

Information on soil and climatic conditions and potato growing in Orel region is given, which in recent years shows a high dynamics of development. Potato production is mainly concentrated in the Central and Western regions of the region, to a lesser extent – in the South-East. In the region there are more than 10 agricultural organizations and farms specializing in the production of commercial potatoes. Among them are the largest and most successful: JSC «Potato field of Orlov» and KFH Stebakov V.I.

Keywords: potato growing, technology, fertilizers, import substitution, yield.

I.A. Gurinovich, deputy director of the centre of agrarian competences, FSBSI Federal Scientific Centre of Leguminous and Cereal Crops. E-mail:

  1. Zharov A.N., Zharov L.L., Popov V.P. The current state of vegetable production in the Russian Federation. Bulletin of the Russian University of peoples friendship. 2008. No. 1. Pp. 43–52 (In Russ.).
  2. Sowing area of potatoes-Oryol region [Web resource] URL: https://сельхозпортал.рф/analiz-posevnyh-ploshhadej/?region_id=2247&area=12. Access date 12.12.18 (In Russ.).
  3. Yakovleva N.A. Statistical and economic analysis of potato production in the Orel region. Innovative economy: prospects for development and improvement. 2013. No. 3. Pp. 277–280 (In Russ.).
  4. Yakovleva N.A. State and trends of potato production in the Orel region. Innovative economy: prospects for development and improvement. 2016. No. 8. Pp. 193–199 (In Russ.).
  5. Stepanovich S.V. Some problems of development of agroindustrial integration on the basis of cluster approach. Economics of agriculture of Russia. 2013. No. 10. Pp. 57–64 (In Russ.).

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The main risks in the implementation of the National Strategy of the President

UDC 658

Yu.K. Kovalchuk, E.V. Tulin, E.G. Permyakov

The results of the implementation of the Lenplodoovoshch Association of the Leningrad model of restoring domestic production with world-class indicators and the best in Russia as a driver for the dynamic development of the economy, which provided advanced indicators for the Leningrad region in Russia. The main risks that impede the implementation of the National Strategy of the President and measures for its unconditional implementation in the conditions of the WTO and CU are given.

Keywords: Nizhny Novgorod model of the USA, Leningrad model of the Russian Federation, import substitution, embargo.

J.K. Kovalchuk, DSc, academician PASA, leading research fellow, Federal State Budget Institution Northwest Research Institute of Agricultural Economics. E-mail:

E.V. Tulin, PhD, academician PASA, director general, Association of agricultural companies and service organizations “Lenplodoovosh”. E-mail:

E.G. Permyakov, junior research fellow, Federal State Budget Institution Northwest Research Institute of Agricultural Economics. E-mail:

  1. Pashinskii V.N., Kovalchuk Yu.K. Cluster Lenplodoovoshch: work on import substitution. Potato and vegetables. 2015. No. 1. Pp. 4–8 (In Russ.).
  2. Kovalchuk Y.K. Driver of the world economy: Leningrad model. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA: Open Science Publishing, 2018. 204 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Kovalchuk Yu.K. Nizhny Novgorod model: expert opinion. International agricultural journal. 1995. No. 3. Pp. 5–8 (In Russ.).
  4. Program of restoration and development of agriculture. The Leningrad model. Comp. Koval'chuk Yu.K. Ed. by N.G. Dmitrieva. St. Petersburg. 1998. 52 p. (In Russ.).
  5. Kovalchuk Yu.K. 100 days program of F. D. Roosevelt to lead USA out of the great Depression: experience for Russia. Modern economic and social development: problems and prospects. Proceedings of the Free economic society of Russia. Vol. 14. St. Petersburg. SPAN LLC. 2010. Pp. 47–64 (In Russ.).
  6. Pashinskii V.N., Kovalchuk Yu.K., Letunov S.B. Leningrad model: 20-year practice of implementation of the national strategy of agricultural development. Scientific review: theory and practice. 2016. No. 3. Pp. 38–51 (In Russ.).
  7. About implementation of Federal laws on state regulation of agroindustrial production in the region. Open letter of experts. Comp. Kovalchuk Yu.K. St. Petersburg. Sudarynya. 2004. 35 p. (In Russ.).
  8. Kovalchuk Yu.K. IMF, USA, Seven should report for the results of energy reforms in Russia. Economic and philosophical newspaper. 2008. No. 34. Pp. 39 (In Russ.).
  9. Kovalchuk Yu.K., Pashinskii V.N., Novitskaya T.V. National strategy for the implementation of the Doctrine of food security. Legislation for the implementation Of the doctrine of food security in the WTO and CU: Preprint. Part 4. St Petersburg. PANI. 2016. 68 p. (In Russ.).

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№1, 2019 en


Editorial P. 2

Main topic

The main risks in the implementation of the National Strategy of the President. Yu.K. Kovalchuk, E.V. Tulin,E.G. Permyakov P. 3


Dynamics raises hopes. I.A. Gurinovich P. 8

News P. 10

Masters of the branch

Knowledge from everywhere. I.S. Butov P. 12

Vegetable growing

Environmentally safe production of sweet pepper in spring greenhouses. V.V. Ognev, T.V. Chernova, A.N. Kostenko, E.N. Gabibova, V.K. Mukhortova, S.S. Avdeenko P. 13

Aspects of agrotechnology of the perennial wall-rocket in open ground. A.V. Litnetskii, M.I. Ivanova, A.I. Kashleva, D.N. Baleev, A.F. Bukharov, V.V. Mikhailov, N.L. Devochkina P. 16

The results of studies on the prevention of downy mildew of onions. I.I. Irkov, A.I. Denisenko, N.A. Gadzhikurbanov, A.B. Polezhaev P. 19

Biological preparation for protection and yield increase of onion. V.P. Tsvetkova, V.S. Maslennikova P. 22

Productivity and biometric indicators of tomato fruits depending on the illumination. E.V. Sokolova, V.M. Merzlyakova P. 25


Technology and equipment for potato growing at the exhibition Рotato Europe 2018. N.N. Kolchin, V.P. Elizarov, V.N. Zernov, S.N. Petukhov P. 27

Potato growing

New perspective potatoes varieties and their characteristic. Kh.Kh. Apshev, N.A. Timoshina, E.V. Knyazeva, L.S. Fedotova P. 30

Biotechnology to potato breeding. A.N. Gantimurova, V.I. Kulikova P. 34

Breeding and seed growing

Testing carrot cultivars in the conditions of Moscow and Rostov regions. L.A. Yusupova, L.M. Sokolova, A.V. Kornev, A.N. Khovrin P. 37

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Gertsoginya F1 hybrid is a real example of import substitution

UDC 635.342:635–152

G.A. Kostenko

Domestic hybrid of cabbage Gertsoginya is successfully grown in the best enterprises of the Moscow region, and in simple farms in other regions of the Russian Federation. Its yield reaches 100 t/ha, heads have high marketability and standard. The hybrid has increased adaptability, responds positively to the application of mineral fertilizers and is characterized by excellent keeping quality during winter and spring storage. At the same time, it is resistant to a complex of diseases during the growing season and during storage. Today it is one of the best competitive domestic hybrids.

Keywords: white cabbage, F1 Gertsoginya, hybrid, commercial vegetable growing.

G.A. Kostenko, PhD, leading research fellow of brassicaceae crops breeding laboratory, ARRIVG–branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center.E-mail:

  1. Your own business: growing cabbage [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 17.01.2019 (In Russ.).
  2. Market vegetables: cabbage in leaders of growth of prices. [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 17.01.2019 (In Russ.).
  3. Bulletins on the state of agriculture (electronic versions) [Web resource]. URL: (In Russ.).
  4. Kostenko G.A. Hybrid F1 Duchess – the best domestic hybrid for super-and hypermarkets. Potato and vegetables. 2018. No. 8. Pp. 29–30 (In Russ.).
  5. Baklanova O.V., Davletbaeva O.R., Ibragimbekov M.G., Kosenko M.A., Kostenko G.A., Tereshonkova T.A., Timakova L.N., Chistyakova L.A., Khovrin A.N. Domestic varieties and hybrids for trade networks. Potato and vegetables. 2018. No. 10. Pp. 2–7 (In Russ.).

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