UDC 635.21:631.3
N.N. Kolchin, V.P. Elizarov, V.N. Zernov, S.N. Petukhov
The article describes the latest and positive results of research in various promising areas of technology and technique for potato production, which were demonstrated at the exhibition Potato Europe 2018 (Germany). On the example of combines and planters shows the widespread use of different schemes of automation on machines for potato. New varieties of potatoes, including Macarena, were also demonstrated.
Keywords: potato growing, exhibitions, potato harvester, potato planters, technology, automation.
N.N. Kolchin, DSc, professor, chief research fellow, All-Russian institute of Mechanization (ARRIM).E-mail: kolchinnn@mail.ru
V.P. Elizarov, DSc, professor, the deputy director, ARRIM.E-mail: elizarov-vp@yandex.ru
V.N. Zernov, PhD, leading research fellow, ARRIM. E-mail: vim@vim.ru
S.N. Petukhov, PhD, leading research fellow, ARRIM. E-mail: vim@vim.ru
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