UDC 635.21:633.49:631.563
V.N. Zeyruk, G.L. Belov, S.V. Maltsev, O.V. Abashkin, D.V. Abrosimov
The data of a two-year study on the search for effective drugs for autumn seed potatoes etching are presented. The best result was obtained when processing tubers Maximum (0,2 l/t) and the joint use of Kartofin and Siliplant (30 ml/t + 7,5 g / t). The biological efficiency was 46.6% and 37.2%, respectively. Total losses decreased by 7.6% and 6.3%.
Keywords: potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), protection, storage, diseases, losses, preparations, biological efficiency.
V.N. Zeyruk, DSc, head of laboratory plant protection. E-mail: vzeyruk@mail.ru
G.L. Belov, PhD, senior research fellow laboratory plant protection.
S.V. Maltsev, PhD, senior research fellow.
O.V. Abashkin, head of support and production base
D.V. Abrosimov, PhD, senior research fellow, head of laboratory FSBSI All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Potato Farm named after A. G. Lorkh
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