New bee-pollinated hybrids of a cornichon cucumber

UDC 631.52:635.63

T.I. Mokryanskaya

There was given a characteristic of the basic economic-valuable features and properties of three new promising hybrids pollinated by bees of multi-purpose Corolek, Cricket and Reel, created in the Transnistrian agricultural research Institute. The received hybrids combine a set of features of the best domestic and foreign varieties.

Keywords: breeding, cucumber, hybrids pollinated by bees, pickles, indoor and greenhouse, harvesting, pickling and salting, a testing evaluation.

T.I. Mokryanskaya, post-graduate student of the breeding laboratory, Transnistrian Scietific Research Institute of Agriculture. E-mail:

  1. Vinnichuk B. Modern technology of cultivation of a gherkin cucumber. Vegetable growing and greenhouse economy. 2012. No. 6. Pp. 13–17 (In Russ.).
  2. Konopleva L.I., Nosova O.N. Gherkins – increasingly popular. Gavrish. 2003. No.5. C. 4 (In Russ.).
  3. Portyankin A.E. Hybrids of gherkin-type cucumber. Gavrish. 2008. No.2. Pp. 3–5 (In Russ.).
  4. Resenberg L. Texture of pickles produced from commercial scale cucumber fermentation using calcium chloride instead of sodium chloride: thesis of Master of Science. North Carolina, 2013. 147 p.
  5. Nalobova V.L., Khleborodov A. Ya. Breeding and seed production of open ground cucumber. Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2012. 85 p. (In Russ.).
  6. Gorokhovsky V.F. Promising hybrids of cucumber universal destination. Vegetable growing: coll. of papers. Vol. 12. Minsk, 2006. Pp. 3–6 (In Russ.).
  7. Shirko V.N. Methods of research of resistance to diseases of tomatoes and cucumbers while new cultivars breeding. In the book: Methods of breeding and seed production of vegetable crops. Leningrad. 1964. Pp. 89–93 (In Russ.).
  8. GOST 1633-73 Canned Food. Vegetable marinades. Moscow: publishing house of standards, 1982. P. 14 (In Russ.).
  9. GOST 7180-73 Pickled Cucumbers. State Committee of standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Moscow. 1982. P. 5 (In Russ.).
  10. Dospekhov B.A. Methodology of field experiment Moscow. Agropromizdat. 1985. 351 p. (In Russ.).
  11. Guseva L.I. Inbreeding in breeding cucumbers. In the book.: Methods of selection of agricultural plants in Moldova. Chisinau: Shtiintsa, 1972. Pp. 129–131 (In Russ.).

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Seed production of female line of partenocarpic cucumber F1 Troya depending on nutrition area

UDC 635.63:631.53.02

A.A. Ushanov, A.A. Mironov

In this paper, we investigated the effect of different schemes of placement of seed sowing on the growth and development of seed plants and seed production of female line of parthenocarpic F1 hybrid cucumber Troy in the open ground in the Moscow region. The highest yield of seed and the yield of seed from testis were obtained with the scheme of planting (140+70) × 20 cm and amounted to 149 kg/ha and 0.32%, respectively, while 1000 seed weight was 24.2 g.

Keywords: cucumber, parthenocarpic, productivity, open ground, seed yield.

A.A. Ushanov, PhD, associate professor, department of botany, plant breeding and seed production of garden plants. E–mail:

A.A. Mironov, PhD, associate professor, department of botany, plant breeding and seed production of garden plants. E–mail: Russian State Agrarian University – MAA after K.A.Timiryazev

  1. Analysis of import to Russia of cucumber seeds for sowing [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 28.02.2019.
  2. Nikishin V.M. Results, problems and ways of improvement of seed production of the main agricultural crops in Primorye. Innovative activity of agrarian science in the far Eastern region: coll. of sci. papers. Russian agricultural academy. Far East. regional scientific. centre. Primor. Research Institute of agriculture. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2011. Pp. 175–182 (In Russ.).
  3. Ludilov V.A. Seed production of vegetable and melon crops. Moscow. Globus. 2000. 256 p.(In Russ.).
  4. Gorokhovsky V.F. Breeding and seed production of heterosis hybrids of cucumber of universal purpose: abstract of a thesis of Dr.Sci. Bryansk. 2002. 44 p. (In Russ.).
  5. Petruk V.A. Influence of cultivation practices on the yield and quality of cucumber seeds in the Priobie forest-steppe: coll. of papers. Novosibirsk, 2009. Pp. 81–87.
  6. Kulyakina N.V., Kuzmitskaya G.A. Influence of the area of nutrition on the productivity of cucumber plants of different maturation periods. Eurasian Union of scientists (EUS). Agricultural Sciences. 2014. No.8. Part 10. Pp. 82–84 (In Russ.).
  7. Belik V.F. Growth and development of cucumbers. Physiology of agricultural plants. Moscow: Moscow State University. 1970. Vol. 8. Pp. 208–243 (In Russ.).
  8. Dospekhov B.A. Methodology of field experience. Moscow. Agropromizdat, 1985. 351 p. (In Russ.).

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Standard organization for a typical technological process of production of turnip seeds (transplanting culture)

UDC 635.127:658.516

M.G. Ibragimbekov, L.V. Pavlov, A.N. Khovrin, L.M. Shilo, V.I. Leunov

The material provides data on the draft standard of the organization developed by the FSBSI FSVC for the typical technological process of production of turnip seeds in transplanting culture. Established requirements for business operations in the production of turnip seed at interchange culture: planting, plant care, harvesting and post-harvest improvement etc.

Keywords: standard of organization, turnip seeds, transplant culture, typical technological process.

M.G. Ibragimbekov, PhD, research fellow of laboratory of breeding of root crops and onions, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC, breeder of Poisk Agro Holding. E-mail:

L.V. Pavlov, DSc, prof., head of laboratory of standardization, standardization and metrology, FSBSI FSVC. E-mail:

A.N. Khovrin, PhD, associate professor, chief research fellow, head of department of breeding and seed growing of ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC, head of department of breeding and primary seed production of Poisk Agro Holding. E-mail:

L.M. Shilo, PhD, senior research fellow of laboratory of standardization, standardization and metrology, FSBSI FSVC. E-mail:

V.I. Leunov, DSc, prof., acting dean of department of agronomy and biotechnology, RSAU–MTAA after K.A. Timiryazev. E-mail:

  1. Seed production of vegetable and melon crops: Handbook (ed. by S.I. Sychev et al.). Moscow. Agropromizdat. 1991. 432 p. (In Russ.).
  2. Methodical instructions and recommendations on seed science and seed production of vegetable and melon crops. Moscow, 1999. Pp. 190–229 (In Russ.).
  3. Landyshev V.V. Comprehensive revision and preparation of seeds for sale in the Gavrish company. Vegetable Grower Herald. 2001. No.6. Pp. 8–12 (In Russ.).
  4. Krasochkin V.G. et al. Root crops. Moscow. Selhozgiz, 1955. Pp. 83–100. (In Russ.).
  5. Agapov S.P. Table roots. Moscow: Selhozgiz, 1957. Pp. 219–225 (In Russ.).
  6. Shebalina M.A. Turnips and rutabagas. Leningrad. Kolos, 1974. 335 p. (In Russ.).
  7. Lukyanets V.N., Amirov, B.M. Root crops. Almaty: Aleiron. 2006. 62 p. (In Russ.).

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Productivity and quality of the new generation of varieties of potatoes

UDC 635.21:631.531.02

A.E. Shabanov, A.I. Kiselev, L.S. Fedotova,N.A. Timoshina, E.V. Knyazeva

The comparative estimation is made of the productivity and quality of potato cultivars of 39 Russian breeding (of which 35 are new generation). The studied varieties are grouped by level of productivity (> 45; 40–45; 35–40; < 35 t/ha). Varieties with high content of dry matter, starch, protein, vitamin c and the lowest accumulation of reducing sugars are allocated. Culinary type varieties and proper use of products are determined.

Keywords: cultivar, maturity group, productivity, level of productivity, quality indicators, culinary type.

A.E. Shabanov, PhD, head of department of agro technological assessment of cultivars and hybrids

A.I. Kiselev, PhD, senior research fellow, department of agro technological assessment of cultivars and hybrids

L.S. Fedotova, DSc, head of laboratory of agrochemistry

N.A. Timoshina, PhD, senior research fellow, laboratory of agrochemistry

E.V. Knyazeva, research fellow, laboratory of agrochemistry

FSBSI All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Growing after A.G. Lorkh. E-mail:

  1. State register of breeding achievements approved for use. Vol 1. Plant varieties. Moscow, 2015. Pp. 114–123 (In Russ.).
  2. Zhuchenko A.A. Ways of comprehensive intensification of crop production. Future of science: international annua. Moscow: Znanie, 1984. Vol.17. Pp. 168–176 (In Russ.).
  3. The UNECE standard, the classification of food qualities of potatoes. UN. New York and Geneva. 2011. 41 p. (In Russ.).
  4. Methodological provisions for the evaluation of potato varieties on the test sites. Moscow. VNIIKH, 2013. 15 p. (In Russ.).
  5. Methodical instructions on determination of food qualities of potatoes (ed. by acad. S. M. Bukasov Leningrad). VIR. 1975. 15 p. (In Russ.).
  6. Methodological provisions for the evaluation of potato varieties on the test sites. Moscow: VNIIKH, 2013. 15 p. (In Russ.).
  7. Kiryukhin V.P. Methods of physiological and biochemical studies of potatoes. Moscow. NIIKH, 1989. 142 p. (In Russ.).
  8. Dospekhov B.A. Methodology of field experience. Moscow. Agropromizdat. 1985. 336 p. (In Russ.).

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Potato cultivation in fodder crop rotation on sod-podzolic soil of the North

UDC 635.21

N.T. Chebotarev, P.I. Konkin, A.A. Yudin,E.N. Mikusheva

The positive effect of the combined use of organic and mineral fertilizers on the productivity and quality of potatoes, as well as on the fertility of sod-podzolic medium-cultivated soil in the Komi Republic was determined. It is established that the optimal method of potato fertilizer in the fodder crop rotation is a complex application of organic and mineral fertilizers. At the same time, a significant yield of tubers with high quality was obtained.

Keywords: potatoes, mineral and organic fertilizers, soil, humus, acidity, starch, nitrates.

N.T. Chebotarev, DSc, chief research fellow. Tel. +7 (922) 274–34–59

P.I. Konkin, head of the experimental site. Tel. +7 (912) 562–02–53

A.A. Yudin, PhD, senior research fellow. Tel. +7 (908) 328–28–96. E-mail:

E.N. Mikusheva, junior research fellow.Tel. +7 (912) 158–31–84

Institute of agriculture of the Komi scientific centre of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences-separate division of the Federal state budgetary institution of science Federal research center «Komi scientific center of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  1. Chebotarev N.T., Yudin A.A., Bubnova V.N. High yield of potatoes in the North. Potato and vegetables. 2014. No. 12. P. 26 (In Russ.).
  2. Chebotarev N.T., Konkin P.I., Yudin A.A. Promising potato hybrids adapted for growing in the middle taiga zone of the Euro-North-East. Perm Agrarian Bulletin. 2017.  No.1.  Pp. 43–48 (In Russ.).
  3. Chebotarev N.T., Konkin P.I., Yudin A.A. Assessment of economic characteristics of new varieties and hybrids recommended for growing in the middle taiga zone of the Euro-North-East. Perm Agrarian Bulletin.  2018. No.1. Pp. 58–64 (In Russ.).
  4. Belous N.M. System of potato fertilizers. Chemization of agriculture. 1992. No. 4. Pp. 68–72 (In Russ.).
  5. Methods of research on potato culture. Moscow: NIIKH, 1967. 263 p. (In Russ.).
  6. Popov A.V., Semenchin S.I., Tulinov A.G. Perspective potato varieties for the Komi Republic. Potato and vegetables. 2010. No.4. P. 19 (In Russ.).

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State of technological and technical support of potato production in Russia

UDC 51-74: 635.25/26

N.V. Sazonov, A.A. Dorokhov

The article deals with the state of the modern level of potato production in Russia. Through the analysis of statistical data revealed that the load on machinery for planting and harvesting potatoes is very high and exceeds the existing standards several times. The presented information can serve as a basis for building a model and developing principles of modernization of technological and technical support of works in potato growing.

Keywords: area of the landing, potatoes, seed potatoes, machines machine, potato growing technology.

N.V. Sazonov, post-graduate student. E-mail:

A.A. Dorohov, junior research fellow, post-graduate student. E-mail: FSBSI All-Russian institute of Mechanization (FSBSI FSAC VIM)

  1. Sorokin A. A., Ponomarev A. G. Production of potatoes and vegetables in the farms. Resource-Saving technologies and technical support for grain production: collection of scientific works. Reports of the International scientific and technical conference. Moscow: VIM. 2010. Pp. 134–138 (In Russ.).
  2. System of machines and technologies for complex mechanization and automation of agricultural production for the period up to 2020. Vol. I. Crop Production (Project) (ed. by A. A. Artyushin, V. P. Elizarov, Y. P. Lobachevsky. Moscow): VIM, 2012. 303 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Litvinov S.S., Ludilov V.A. We need a comprehensive state approach to solving the problems of seed production of vegetable crops. Potato and vegetables. 2011. No.8. P. 5 (In Russ.).
  4. Federal state statistics service [Web resource] URL: Access date: 11.01.18 (In Russ.).
  5. Izmailov A.Yu., Kolchin N.N., Lobachevsky Y.P., Kynev N.G. Modern technologies and special equipment for potato growing. Agricultural machines and technologies. 2015. No. 2. Pp. 45–48 (In Russ.).
  6. Izmailov A.Yu., Kolchin N.N., Lobachevsky Y.P., Kynev N.G. Modern technologies and special equipment for potato growing. Continuation. Agricultural machines and technologies. 2015. No.3. Pp. 43–47 (In Russ.).
  7. Kolchin N.N., Ponomarev A.G. Development of means of mechanization for storage of potatoes and vegetables. Tractors and agricultural machines. 2015. No.9. Pp. 42–45 (In Russ.).
  8. Kolchin N.N., Elizarov V.P. Potato Europe 2014 Exhibition. Potato and vegetables. 2015. No.1. Pp. 24–28. (In Russ.).
  9. Zernov V.N., Kolchin N.N., Dorokhov A.S., Aksenov A.G., Petukhov S.N. Methodology of formation of technologies and technical means for performance of works in selection and seed growing of potatoes. Potato Growing: Materials of scientific and practical conference – Modern technologies of production, storage and processing of potatoes. Moscow. 2017. Pp. 78–88 (In Russ.).
  10. Tubolev S.S., Kolchin N.N. The development of the domestic agricultural machinery on the example of production of special equipment for potato and vegetable growing. Moscow. Rosinformagrotech. 2011. P. 68 (In Russ.).
  11. Dorokhov A.S., Kolchin N.N., Aksenov A.G. et al. Development of approaches to improvement of equipment and machines for potato breeding and seed production. Report on research (Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations). Moscow. 2017. 78 p. (In Russ.).

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How to reduce potato tubes damaging under machine technologies

UDC 635.21:631.358.44: 631.358.45

N.N. Kolchin, A.G. Ponomarev, S.N. Petukhov

Features of machine technologies of production of potatoes with the analysis of the damages of tubers arising thus and with an assessment of losses from their possible damages are considered. The ways of reducing the damage of tubers when growing potatoes by technologies with fewer overloads of tubers are shown. It is noted the use of different methods for assessing damage of tubers.

Keywords: potato, tubers, harvesting, mechanical damages, loss reduction.

N.N. Kolchin, DSc, professor, chief research fellow. E-mail:

A.G. Ponomarev, PhD, leading research fellow. E-mail:

S.N. Petukhov, PhD, leading research fellow. E-mail: FSBSI All-Russian institute of Mechanization (FSBSI FSAC VIM)

  1. Application and development of machine technologies of potato production / N.N. Kolchin, V.N. Zernov, S.N. Petukhov, A.G. Aksenov, V.I. Eremchenko. Potato Growing: Materials of scientific and technical conference "Modern technologies of production, storage and processing of potato", August 1-3, 2017. FSBSI VNIIKH, 2017. Pp. 89–97.
  2. Kolchin N.N., Elizarov V.P. Reducing the level of damage to potatoes and vegetables in machine technologies. Agricultural machines and technologies. 2013. No. 6. Pp. 18–21.
  3. Vereshchagin N.I., Pshechenkov K.A. Operating elements of machines for growing, harvesting and sorting of potatoes. Moscow: Mashinostroenie Publishing House, 1965. 112 p.
  4. Tupolev C.S. et al. Machinery technology and equipment for potato production. Moscow: Agrospas, 2010. 316 p.
  5. Roslov N.N. Complexes for storage of potatoes and vegetables. Moscow: Rosselkhozizdat, 1985. 207 p.
  6. Rastovski, A. Van Es et al. Storage of potatoes: post-harvest behavior, store design, storage practice, handling. Wageningen: Padoc. 1987. 468 p.
  7. Bishop K.F., Monder W.F. Mechanization of potato production and storage. Ed. by A.S. Kamensky. Moscow. Kolos. 1983. 256 p.
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A new cucumber F1 hybrid Piligrim: growing in plastic film greenhouses

UDC 635.63:631.544.71

O.V. Baklanova, L.A. Chistyakova

The description of a new parthenocarpic hybrid cucumber F1 Piligrim is presented. Information is given about the technology of its cultivation in film greenhouses, the features of growing seedlings, the composition of the substrate, planting schemes, plant formation, care (optimal temperature, watering, nutrition), protection, cleaning features.

Keywords: cucumber, parthenocarpic hybrid, seedlings, cultivation, harvesting.

O.V. Baklanova, PhD, leading research fellow of department of breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC, breeder of Poisk Agro Holding.E-mail:

L.A. Chistyakova, PhD, senior research fellow of department of breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC, breeder of Poisk Agro Holding.E-mail:

  1. Digest of production of vegetables of the protected ground in Russia. April 2018. P. 17. [Web resource.] URL:ДАЙДЖЕСТ_Производство_овощей_защищенного_грунта_в_России_2.pdf. Access date: 12.02.2019.
  2. Baklanova O.V., Khovrin A.N., Chistyakova L. A. Cucumber hybrid F1 Forward for winter-spring rotation. Potato and vegetables. 2013. No. 9. Pp. 28–29.
  3. Method of protection of cucumber and tomato plants from phytopathogens. [Web resource.] URL: Access date: 12.02.2019.
  4. Humidity regime in greenhouses [Web resource]. URL: / Access date: 12.02.2019.
  5. Esaulko N.A. Comparative characteristics of hybrids of cucumber in greenhouse [Web resource]. URL: https: // Access date: 12.02.2019.

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№3, 2019 en


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The future belongs to new technologies. I.S. Butov P. 2 Continue reading

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Original method of seed production runnig for polycarpous varieties of vegetable crops

UDC 631.531.02:631.562.32: 635.64

S.D. Sokolov, E.V. Khutornaya, A.S. Sokolov, A.M. Shantasov, N.G. Izmukhambetova

After harvesting fruits at the stage of technical maturity, seed plants afford to cultivate new seed fruits which make it possible to carry out repeated harvesting and significantly increase the productivity of seed crops. The optimal shelf life of seed fruits picked up at the stage of technical ripeness allows to receive seeds with high sowing qualities. The research was conducted in 2015–2017 in «Our garden» LLC of Kamyzyaksky district of Astrakhan region. Via the example of the variety of zucchini marrow Yubileinyi 450, the article shows the results of studying of a new method of seed production of polycarpous varieties of vegetable crops, which includes carrying out of frequent gatherings of seed fruit not in biological ripeness, but at the stage of technical maturity and subsequent storage of collected seed fruits seeds during specified period until receiving by seeds of the high sowing in-spec grades. In the process of research it was found that the optimal age of the seed fruit of zucchini for the gathering and releasing of seeds (which makes it possible to obtain the best sowing qualities of seed material) was 50–60 days. At this degree of maturity, on 4–6 days of seed sprouting in a thermostat, laboratory seed germination was 100%. To increase the productivity of seed crops, it is possible to carry out the collection of seed fruits at the age of 20 days after flowering and store them for 20–30 days before the seeds will be released. It has been established that the development of certified seeds for fruits taken from plants is faster than for fruits on a plant. To obtain high sowing qualities, the seeds in the fruits on the plant need 50–60 days, while for the seeds obtained by the inventive technology the total required period until optimum sowing qualities are achieved (including being on the plant and subsequent storage) is 40–50 days. On the basis of the conducted research, it was obtained a patent for the invention «Method of conducting seed production of polycarpous varieties of vegetables and cucurbits crops».

Keywords: marrow (Cucurbita pepo), seed breeding, polycarpous crops, technical maturity, biological ripeness, afterripening, sowing features, economical efficiency.

S.D. Sokolov, PhD, scientific director. E-mail: E.V. Khutornaya, chief agronomist. E-mail: A.S. Sokolov, PhD, director. E-mail: A.M. Shantasov, PhD, seed agronomist. E-mail: N.G. Izmukhambetova, research fellow. E-mail: Breeding and seed-production enterprise «Master semya»
  1. Sokolov S.D. Organizational problems of primary seed production of melons and possible ways to solve them. Materials of sci. conf. as part of the II Russian Watermelon Festival. Astrakhan. Nova. 2004. Pp. 17–21 (In Russ.).
  2. Method of seed production of multiple varieties of vegetables and melons: Patent 2575354 Grew. Federation: IPC A01C 1/00 A01H 1/04 A01G 7/00 / S.D. Sokolov, A.S. Sokolov A.M. Shantasov, A.N. Bocharnikov, S.V. Bulygin, G.F. Sokolova; applicant and patentee S.D. Sokolov, LLC SSP "Master seed". No. 2014131488/13; declared. 30.07.2014; publ. 20.02.2016. Bull. No.5. (In Russ.).
  3. Sokolov A.S., Sokolov S.D., Bocharnikov, A.N., Chentsov A.M. Promising breeding elaborations of watermelon crops laboratory, VNIIOB. Current and new directions in plant breeding and seed production of agricultural crops. Materials of sci. conf. Vladikavkaz. Gorsky State Agrarian Universilty. 2012. Pp. 203–205 (In Russ.).
  4. Belik V.F. Methods of physiological research in vegetable and melon growing. M. 1970. 210 p. (In Russ.).
  5. GOST 12038-84. Seeds of agricultural crops. Methods for determining of germination. Moscow. Standartinform. 2011. 64 p. (In Russ.).
  6. Shepelenko G. I. Economics, organization and planning of production at the enterprise: a textbook for students of economic faculties and universities. Moscow. ICC Mart. 2004. 608 p. (In Russ.).

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