Category Archives: Potato growing

Effectiveness of growth regulators potato cultivation

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Usage of sprout inhibitors in storage of potatoes intended for processing on crisps

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Design and testing of universal primers for PCR amplification β-fructofuranozidase orthologs genes (Pain-1) in wild species and potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties

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The state of elite potato seed production in the Central region of the Russian Federation according to ground control

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New cultivar of potatoes for the South of the Far East of Russia

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New organo-mineral fertilizer application on the potato crops

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Agrotechnical passport of Varyag potato cultivar

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Breeding and seed growing of potato in the Kamchatka Territory

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Effectiveness of potato growing in agricultural organisations of Kostroma region

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Late blight of potato and program for its control

УДК 635.21:632.4 DOI:10.25630/PAV.2018.8.18272 Д.А. Белов, А.В. Хютти Представлена информация о вредоносности фитофтороза на картофеле в России и биологии возбудителя (его жизненном цикле, зависимости от факторов внешней среды). Перечислены меры защиты картофеля от этой болезни. Подробно описаны химические средства защиты, представлен … Continue reading

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