Category Archives: Potato growing

Species composition and the number of aphids on seed potato in the Arkhangelsk region

UDC 577.21:576.314 Shamanin A.A., Popova L.A., Berim M.N., Golovina L.N.

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Agricultural technologies and potato yield on sod-podzolic soils of the Upper Volga region

UDC 631.51: 631,82: 632.954 Borin A.A., Loshchinina A.E.

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The effect of humic preparations on the productivity and quality of the crop of potato varieties with purple pulp of tubers

UDC 661.162.6:633.491 Usanova Z.I., Pryadein S.E.

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Influence of siderate crops on soil fertility, yield and quality of potato

UDC 635.21:631.87 Ostonakulov T.E., Usmonov N.N.

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The effect of concentrate glauconitic sands on the productivity of potato

UDC 633.491 Dyikanova M.E., Ivashova O.N., Levshin A.G., Gasparyan I.N., Gasparyan Sh.V.

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Yield and quality of new potato variety Kumach depending on set of agricultural practices

UDC 635.21:631.543.2 Kiselev A.I., Shabanov A.E.

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Bacteria in Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria alternata hyphosphaere on potato

UDC 635.21:632.4 10.25630/PAV.2020.80.55.003 Smirnov A.N., Vasil’chenko V.V., Vorob’eva K.S.

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Integrated system of potato protection preparations of the JSC «August» Inc.

UDC 635.21:633.49:631.563 Barkov V.A., Belov D.A., Zeiruk V.N., Belov G.L.

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Yields of different potato cultivars and their damage by insect pests in the Udmurt Republic

UDC 635.21:[631.559+632.6/.7](470.51) Esenkulova O.V., Korobeinikova O.V., Maslova M.P.

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Cultivars of potatoes for processing

UDC 635.21 Serderov V.K., Khanbabaev T.G., Serderova D.V.

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