Tag Archives: potato
How to reduce potato tubes damaging under machine technologies
UDC 635.21:631.358.44: 631.358.45 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.48.28.002 N.N. Kolchin, A.G. Ponomarev, S.N. Petukhov
Production and phytosanitary evaluation of potato seed tubers obtained in the forest-steppe of the Altai Region’s Ob River area
UDC 635.21:581.2 (1–924.85) (571.15) https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.92.39.008 N.V. Chevychelova, E.I. Sedykh, S.V. Zharkova, V.I. Leunov
Storage of seed potatoes using chemical and physical methods of influence on tubers
UDC 635.21:631.563 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.30.88.007 S.V. Maltsev, D.V. Abrosimov, O.V. Abashkin
Applied value of determination of reproductive potential and aggressiveness of fungal and pseudo-fungal pathogens of potato and tomato
УДК 635.21:632.4 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.71.33.005 A.N. Smirnov, E.S. Prikhodko,V.V. Vasilchenko, V.P. Khokhlov, A.A. Sukhorukov, S.A. Kuznetsov
Selection and evaluation of the initial material in potato breeding for processing
УДК 635.21:631.52 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.34.88.011 A.S. Gaizatulin, A.V. Mityushkin, A.A. Zhuravlev, A.V. Mityushkin, S.S. Salyukov, S.V. Ovechkin, E.A. Simakov
Manifestation and risk of fungal pathocomplex from genera Fusarium and Alternaria on potato
УДК 635.21:632.4 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.50.91.007 E.S. Prikhodko, A.N. Smirnov
Universal module for potato treatment with protective and stimulating preparations
УДК 633.491:631.362.41 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.74.21.004 S.A. Plakhov, V.M. Alakin, A.I. Ponomarev
Potato: problems and prospects
УДК 633.491 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.89.92.006 S.V. Zhevora, B.V. Anisimov, E.A. Simakov, E.V. Oves, S.N. Zebrin
Probation of potato varieties in the Astrakhan region
УДК 635.21(470.46) https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.26.80.004 T.V. Boeva, Sh. B. Bairambekov, A.S. Sokolov
Dynamics of species composition of potato pathogens in the European part of the Russian Federation.
УДК 633.11:632.488 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.57.62.003 A.N. Ignatov, J.V. Panycheva, M.V. Voronina, D.M. Vasiliev, F.S-U. Dzhalilov