The use of zeolites in vegetable growing

УДК 631. 82

V.A. Borisov, I.Yu. Vasyuchkov, O.N. Uspenskaya, A.A. Kolomiets Continue reading

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Potato growing in Uzbekistan: state and development prospects

UDC 631.635.21

T.E. Ostonakulov, M.M. Adilov, A.S. Rustamov Continue reading

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№8, 2020en


Main topic

Glotov O.A., Gribova O.A.

Training specialists of agricultural sector in secondary vocational in Russian Federation: modern tendencies p. 3 Continue reading

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Joint use of potato tuber protectants with Agrostimul plant growth regulator

UDC 635.21:633.49:631.563
https: //

Zaikin B.А., Belov G.L., Zeyruk V.N. Continue reading

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Problems and successes in potato protection from Colorado potato beetle

UDC 632.76:633.491
https: //  

Gritsenko V.V., Guseinov K.G., Postnikov A.N., Mityushev I.M. Continue reading

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Agrobiological and technological basis of watermelon production in Belarus

UDC 582.681.71:635.615(476)
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Autko A.A., Volosyuk S.N. Continue reading

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Fertigation of tomatoes in the open ground of the ERPC «Gornaya polyana» of the Volgograd SAU

UDC 631.82:635
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Belenkov A.I., Pleskachev Yu.N., Filin V.I., Abrashkina E.D. Continue reading

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Evaluation of heterosis cucumber hybrids adaptability in low light period

UDC 635.63:631.526.32
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Chistyakova L.A., Baklanova O.V., Khovrin A.N., Kornev A.V. Continue reading

Posted in Breeding and seed growing | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Training specialists of agricultural sector in secondary vocational in Russian Federation: modern tendencies

UDC 631: 377.6
https: //

Glotov O.A., Gribova O.A. Continue reading

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7, 2020en


Main topic

Klimenko N.N., Khovrin A.N., Ognev V.V.

30th anniversary of Poisk Agro Holding. Breeding is an important vector of the company development p. 3 Continue reading

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