Agro-ecological assessment of new generation potato varieties in the conditions of the Central Russia

UDC 633.491:631.5

Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I. Continue reading

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Monitoring of original seed potatoes by method of field trial of samples

UDC 635.21:631.53

Zebrin S.N., Gracheva I.A., Anisimov B.V.
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Tomato varieties and heterotic hybrids for re-growing

UDC 664:633.551

Ostonakulov T.E., Muratov O.Kh. Continue reading

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The effectiveness of the minimum norms of Goal 2E on onions in an annual culture

UDC 635.132:632.51

Bernaz N.I., Irkov I.I. Continue reading

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Activities of the consulting centres of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Rosselkhoztsentr»

UDC 631

Malko A.M., Nikolaev Yu.N., Zhivykh A.V., Gerasimenko O.A. Continue reading

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№1, 2021en


Editorial  p. 3

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Evaluation of onion samples in a competitive nursery in the conditions of the Moscow region

UDC 235.25:631.527

Ibragimbekov M.G., Khovrin A.N., Davletbaeva O.R. Continue reading

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Assessment of the adaptability of potato samples in the northern territories of the Arkhangelsk region

UDC 633.491

Popova L.A., Golovina L.N., Gintov V.V., Shamanin A.A. Continue reading

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A new potato variety Gulliver in the Central Russia

UDC 635.21:631.543.2

Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I. Continue reading

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The cultivation of sweet pepper under irrigation conditions: from experiment to technology

UDC 635.649:631.8:631.67(470.44/.47)

Belenkov A.I., Kalmykova E.V., Petrov N.Yu., Kalmykova O.V. Continue reading

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