Encapsulation of seeds is an important element of resource-saving technologies

UDC 631.53.027

S.V. Fefelova, A.M. Men’shikh, A.V. Yanchenko

The article describes the advantages of seed encapsulation over other types of pre-sowing treatment. The essence of the method and the technological process of making dragees are revealed. Modern technology of production of vegetable crops provides for a high yield with high quality products. Increasing the yield of table root crops is possible through the use of new high-yielding varieties and hybrids, and reduce the non-standard part of the crop. The use of encapsulation in pre-sowing seed treatment in the cultivation of table carrots and table beets, in comparison with traditional methods of seed treatment, provides better retention of drugs on the surface and give a more positive effect on the intensive growth and development of plants of table carrots and beets, which reduces the direct costs of additional processing of crops and reduce the pesticide load on the crop.

Keywords: seeds, seed encapsulation, resource-saving technologies, seed pelleting, advantages of encapsulation, capsule manufacturing process.

S.V. Fefelova, PhD, senior research fellow, department of technologies and innovations Tel.: +7 (916) 463–04–20. E-mail: babichsv7@yandex.ru

A.M. Menshikh, PhD, leading research fellow, head of department of technologies and innovations.. Tel.: +7 (916) 750–21–37. E-mail: soulsunnet@gmail.com.

A.V. Yanchenko, PhD, leading research fellow, head of laboratory of mechanization of seed growing, department of technologies and innovations. Тел.: +7 (916) 380–32–81. E-mail: laboratoria2008@yandex.ru

  1. Yanchenko A.V. Ways of improving the quality of carrot root crops on alluvial medium loamy soils of the Non-Chernozem zone: Diss. of Cand. of Agr. Sc. Moscow: VNIIO. 2008. 111 p. (In Russ.).
  2. Yanchenko A.V. Agrotechnical methods of obtaining ecologically safe root crops of carrots. Potato and vegetables. 2008. No.3. Pp. 15–16 (In Russ.).
  3. Bykovsky Yu.A., Yanchenko A.V., Azopkov M. I., Golubovich V.S., Fefelova S.V., Bagrov R.A. Promising preparations for inlaying seeds of table roots. Potato and vegetables. 2018. No.5. Pp. 16-19 (In Russ.).
  4. Fefelova S.V., Shaimanov A.A., Yanchenko A.V. Influence of pre-sowing treatment of table carrot seeds by plasma on field germination and yield. Collection of scientific works on the materials of the International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the VII Kvasnikovsky readings. 2016. Pp. 304–308 (In Russ.).
  5. Shaimanov A.A., Yanchenko A.V. We offer a complex of machines for pre-sowing preparation of seeds. Potato and vegetables. 2008. No.2. C. 23 (In Russ.).

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Molecular markers in onion breeding

УДК 635.25

R.R. Alizhanova, S.G. Monakhos, G.F. Monakhos

The studies were conducted in 2016–2018 in the laboratory of genetics, breeding and biotechnology of vegetable crops of the RSAU – MTAA. The aim of the research is to assess the efficiency of known molecular markers orfA501 и 5» cob to genotype a type of onion (Allium cepa L.) male sterility inducing cytoplasm’s, CMS- (S) and CMS- (T) and normal (N) cytoplasm, to genotype restorer fertility and maintainer sterility alleles Ms/ms of a nuclear gene, marker of onion downy mildew resistance gene. The use of these two marker systems (orfA501 и 5» cob) confirmed the type of cytoplasm of all screened male sterility onion plants. Six onion accessions had CMS-S type of cytoplasm, four accessions – CMS-T and two accessions had normal N-cytoplasm. The efficiency of recommended DNA-marker JnurF13 to genotype restorer fertility (Ms) allele and maintainer sterility (ms) allele of a nuclear gene was confirmed using a set of different onion accessions. The use of molecular marker Jnurf 13 helps to genotype the onion plant in relation to allelic state of the sterility maintainer allele (ms) in plants with N-cytoplasm and shortens the process of developing sterility maintainer lines. Allium roylei is completely resistant to downy mildew which is controlled by a single dominant Pd1 gene. Marker DMR1 of onion downy mildew resistance gene was studied using an accessions of Timofeev’s plant breeding station (RSAU – MTAA) involved in a breeding programs and commercial cultivars of foreign companies.

Keywords: onion (Allium cepa L.), cytoplasmic male sterility, DNA markers, downy mildew, resistance gene, restorer fertility, maintainer sterility.

R.R. Alizhanova, postgraduate, Department Botany, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, RSAU-MTAA; tel. 8–915–425–63–29. E-mail: rada.aliz@mail.ru.

S.G. Monakhos, Head of the Department Botany, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, RSAU-MTAA, Dr. Sci. in Agricultural sciences; tel. +7 (499) 976–41–71. E-mail: s.monakhos@rgau-msha.ru.

G.F. Monakhos, PhD, General Director, Limited company «Breeding station after N.N. Timofeev»; tel. +7 (499) 977–11–74. E-mail: breedst@mail.ru.

  1. Clarke, A.E., H.A. Jones, and T.M. Little. Inheritance of bulb color in onion. Genetics. 1944. No 29: Pp. 569–575.
  2. Berninger E. Contribution a l'etude de la sterilite male de l'oignon (Allium cepa L.). Ann. Amelior. Plant (Paris). 1965.No 23. Рp. 183–199.
  3. Jones H., S. Emsweller. A male sterile onion. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1936. No 34. Pp. 582–585.
  4. Schweisguth B.. Etude d’un nouveau type destérilité mâle chez l’oignon, Allium cepa L. Ann. Amelior. Plant. 1973. No 23. Pp. 221–233.
  5. Engelke T., Terefe D., Tatlioglu T. A PCR-based marker system monitoring CMS- (S), CMS- (T) and (N) -cytoplasm in the onion (Allium cepa L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 2003. No 107 Рp. 162–167.
  6. Kim S. A codominant molecular marker in linkage disequilibrium with a restorer-of-fertility gene (Ms) and its application in reevaluation of inheritance of fertility restoration in onions. Mol Breeding. 2014. No 34. Рp.769–778.
  7. Seongjun Kim, Cheol-Woo Kim, M Choi, Sunggil Kim. Development of a simple PCR marker tagging the Allium roylei fragment harboring resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) in onion (Allium cepa L.) // Euphytica. 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10681–015–1601–2.
  8. Murray M.G., Thompson W.F. Rapid isolation of high-molecular-weight plant DNA // Nucleic Acids Res. 1980. No 8. Pp. 4321–4325.
  9. Kofoet A., Zinkernagel V. (1990) Resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora destructor (Berk.) Casp.) in Allium species. // J. Plant Dis Prot. 97 (1) Pp. 13–23.

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Substantiation of the basic scheme and technical parametres for system of original seed- potato growing

UDC 631.171

S.N. Petukhov

Results of search for effective ways of modernization of process of original seed-growing in a direction of increase in a multiplication ratio of a seeds at a stage of potato mini-tubers cultivation are resulted. Experimental working of technology elements and technical parametres of the technological module is spent. The basic scheme of the new generation technological module is developed.

Keywords: potato, original seed-growing, modernization, a multiplication ratio, technical parametres, the basic scheme.

S.N. Petukhov, PhD, leading research fellow, All-Russian institute of Mechanization. E-mail: vim@vim.ru .

  1. Zernov V.N., Ponomarev A.G., Abramov Z.T. Development and analysis of technological and technical support for the production of mini-tubers grown in the conditions of vegetation houses. Innovative development of agro-industrial complex of Russia on the basis of intellectual technologies: coll. of papers of international. science and tech. conferences. Moscow. VIM. 2014. Pp. 149–153 (In Russ.).
  2. Zernov V.N., Kolchin N.N. Self-regulating system of mineral nutrition on the basis of zeolite substrates in the original seed production of potatoes. Innovative development of agriculture of Russia on the basis of intelligent machine technologies: coll. of papers of international scientific and technical conference. Moscow. VIM. 2014. Pp. 153–155 (In Russ.).
  3. Martirosyan Yu. Ts., Martirosyan V.V., Zernov V.N. New technologies in the production of improved seed potatoes. Agrarian question. 2012. No. 5 (37). Pp. 18–19 (In Russ.).
  4. Zernov V.N. Classification of methods for obtaining virus-free mini-tubers of potatoes on the basis of biotechnological methods. Intelligent machine technologies and equipment for the implementation of the state program of agricultural development: coll. of papers of scientific and technical conference. Moscow. VIM. 2015. Pp. 245–249 (In Russ.).
  5. Kolchin N.N., Zernov V.N., Mikheev V.V. Technological techniques and technologies used in breeding and seed production of potatoes, their classification. Intelligent machine technologies and equipment for the implementation of the State program of agricultural development: coll. of papers of international scientific and technical conference. Moscow. VIM, 2015. Pp. 249–252 (In Russ.).

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Resource-saving technology of cultivation of early potatoes

UDC 635.21:631.5

M.E. Dyikanova, A.G. Levshin, I.N. Gasparyan, O.N. Ivashova

The article presents the research materials of the influence of technological reception – germination on the production of early products, allowing saving energy resources in the cultivation of early potatoes and getting the maximum income. There is an increase in net energy income by 5.9–31.9%, coefficients of energy cost by 6.3–32.8%, as well as cost reduction by 0.09–0.33 GJ/t of tubers.

Keywords: light germination, yield, cost, profitability, net energy ratio, energy cost.

M.E. Dyikanova, PhD, senior lecturer, department of vegetable growing

A.G. Levshin, DSc, prof., head of department of management of machinery and tractor fleet and high technologies in crop production

I.N. Gasparyan, DSc, associate professor of department of management of machinery and tractor fleet and high technologies in crop production. E-mail: irina150170@yandex.ru (responsible for correspondence)

O.N. Ivashova, associate professor of department of information technologies in agriculture

  1. Shpilko A.V. et al. Energy efficiency of mechanization of agricultural production. Moscow. All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, 2001. 346 p. (In Russ.).
  2. Anisimov B.V. et al. Monitoring of the current state of potato production in Russia (Handbook). Moscow. VNIIKH, 2017. 35 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Matyuk N.S., Polin V.D. Resource-saving technologies of tillage in adaptive agriculture: manual. Moscow: Publishing House RSAU-MSAA after K. A. Timiryazev. 2013. 222 p. (In Russ.).
  4. Sutyagin V.P., Tulikov, A.M., Sutyagin T.I. System analysis of energy flows in agriculture: a manual for diploma projects. Tver. AGROSPHERA. 2008. 140 p. (In Russ.).
  5. Posypanov G.S., Dolgodvorov V.E. Energy assessment of technology of field crops growing: manual. Moscow: publishing house of MSHA, 1995. 22 p/ (In Russ.).
  6. Pisarev B.A. Production of early potatoes. Moscow. Rosselkhozizdat. 1986. 287 p. (In Russ.).
  7. Bitsoev B.A. et al. Energy saving in technologies of early potatoes growing. Agroindustrial complex of Russia. 2018. Vol. 25. No.24. Pp. 507–511 (In Russ.).
  8. Gasparyan, I.N., Dyikanova M.E. How to raise a crop of early potatoes. Potato and vegetables. 2018. No. 2. Pp. 29–31 (In Russ.).

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Polar 50 against powdery mildew of cucumber

UDC 635.63:632.937

K.L. Alekseeva, L.G. Smetanina

The biological and economic efficiency of Polar 50 preparation against powdery mildew of greenhouse cucumber is evaluated. Optimum terms and norms of consumption of fungicide in the conditions of film greenhouses are established. The greatest effect (86.8%) is achieved by triple spraying of plants with an interval of 14 days, the rate of the Polar preparations is 250 g/ha at the first symptoms of the disease. Consumption of working solution is1000 l/ha.

Keywords: powdery mildew of cucumber, film greenhouses, fungicide Polar 50, biological efficiency, yield.

K.L. Alekseeva, DSc, chief research fellow of the department for greenhouse and mushroom industry, ARRIVG–branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. E- mail: vniioh@yandex.ru

L.G. Smetanina, PhD, senior research fellow of the department for greenhouse and mushroom industry, ARRIVG–branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. E- mail: vniioh@yandex.ru

  1. Akhatov A.K. Protection of vegetable crops and potatoes from diseases. Moscow 2006. 352 p. (In Russ.).
  2. Litvinov S.S. Methodology of field experience in vegetable growing. Moscow. 2011. 679 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Methodical instructions on registration tests of fungicides in agriculture (ed. by V. I. Dolzhenko). Saint Petersburg. VIZR. 2009. 378 p. (In Russ.).
  4. Serbin A.G., Leontiev D.V., Rossikhin V.V. Fundamentals of medical mycology. Kharkiv. 2009. 104 p. (In Russ.).
  5. Stranishevskaya E.P. et al. Effectiveness of the fungicide polar 50 against oidium on grapes. Protection and quarantine of plants. 2015. No.11. Pp. 37 (In Russ.).

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Immunitsitofit on tomatoes in open field

UDC 635.64: [632.937+631.811.98]

O.V. Korobeinikova, V.M. Merzlyakova

In the conditions of the Udmurt Republic studied the effect of spraying tomato plant with growth regulator Immunotsitofit on yield and diseases symptoms. As a result the yield of tomato varieties Liang and Grotto has increased. Spraying with Immunotsitofit significantly reduced tomato apical rot and late blight.

Keywords: tomato, open ground, determinate varieties, Liang, Grotto, plant growth regulators, Immunotsitofit, yield diseased noninfectious apical rot, late blight.

О.V. Korobejnikova, PhD, associate professor, department of agricultural and land management. E-mail: korobejnikova.olga@inbox.ru

V.M. Merzlyakovа, PhD, associate professor, department of chemistry. E-mail: rector@izhgsha.ru Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

  1. Sokolova E.V., Merzlyakova V.M. New tomatoes for greenhouses. Gavrish. 2017. No.2. Pp. 32–37 (In Russ.).
  2. Lebedeva M.A., Tunova T.N. Influence of cultivar on productivity and quality of tomato fruits. Bulletin of Izhevsk state agricultural Academy. 2013. No. 3(36). Pp. 98–100 (In Russ.).
  3. Korobeynikova O.V. Phytosporin-M on tomato. Potato and vegetables. 2016. No.6. Pp. 16–17 (In Russ.).
  4. Dospekhov B.A. Methodology of field experiment. Moscow. Agropromizdat. 1985. 351 p. (In Russ.).
  5. State register of breeding achievements, approved for use (official edition) Vol. 1. Plant varieties. Moscow. 2010. 321 p. (In Russ.).
  6. Kulnev A.I., Sokolova E.A. Multipurpose stimulants of protective reactions, growth and development of plants (on the example of the Immunotsitophit preparation. Pushchino: ONTI PNC RAI. 1997. 100 p. (In Russ.).
  7. Preparation showing growth-regulating and immunomodulatory activity. [Web resource]. URL: http://www.freepatent.ru/patents/2513621. Access date: 30.01.2017.
  8. Korobeynikova O. V. Influence of seed treatment by plant growth regulators on disease incidence and yield of spring grain crops. Education, science and production. 2015. No.3 (12). Pp. 54–56 (In Russ.).
  9. Fedotova S.L., Kravchenko A.V., Timoshina N.A. Application of growth regulators based on arachidonic acid on potatoes. Plant protection and quarantine. 2011. No. 11. Pp. 18–19 (In Russ.).
  10. List of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use in the Russian Federation in 2012. Appendix to the Plant protection and quarantine journal. 2012. No.4. 580 p. (In Russ.).

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Innovative technology of preparation of the substrate in sterile conditions for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms

UDC 635.8

N.L. Devochkina, R.Dzh. Nurmetov, L.N. Pryanishnikova, S.V. Mukienko

The features of the complete technological process of composite substrate preparation based on straw and husk of sunflower seeds in combination with nitrogen-containing nutritional additives at LLC Aprel (Tula) are described, as well as the results of the introduction into production of the latest method of heat treatment of the substrate by sterilization in an autoclave, which allows to obtain a high-quality substrate free of infectious agents and pests.

Keywords: substrate, technology, heat treatment, autoclaving, straw, husk, supplements, oyster mushroom, fruiting bodies, cultivation facilities.

N.L. Devochkina, DSc, chief research fellow of the department for greenhouse end mushroom industry, ARRIVG-branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. E-mail: vniioh@yandex.ru

R.D. Nurmetov, DSc, chief research fellow, professor of the department for greenhouse end mushroom industry, ARRIVG-branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. E-mail: vniioh@yandex.ru

L.N. Pryanishnikova, PhD, leading research fellow department for greenhouse end mushroom industry, ARRIVG-branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. E-mail: vniioh@yandex.ru

S.V. Mukienko, technologist, LLC Aprel (Tula). E-mail: tuvorik@mail.ru

  1. Sychev P.A., Tkachenko N.P. Mushrooms and mushroom growing. Moscow: LLC Publishing house AST. Donetsk “Stalker”. 2013. 511 p. (In Russ.).
  2. Dudka I.A. Industrial growing of edible mushrooms. Kiev. Naukova Dumka. 1978. 264 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Devochkina N.L., Nurmetov R.Dzh., Meshcheryakova R.A., Pryanishnikova L.N. Optimization of substrate composition for industrial cultivation of oyster mushrooms. Potato and vegetables. 2018. No.9. C. 19–21. (In Russ.).
  4. Devochkina N.L., Nurmetov R.D. Growing of mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. Guide. Moscow: Russian Agricultural Academy, 2010. 67 p. (In Russ.).
  5. Tishenkov A.D. Substrates for oyster mushroom growing. Part 2. Preparation of substrates. Moscow: school of mushroom growing. 1999. 57 p. (In Russ.).
  6. Devochkina N.L., Dugunieva L.G.. Ivanova M. I., Nurmetov R.D. Investment attractiveness of industrial mushroom growing. Economics of agriculture of Russia. 2018. No.11. Pp. 52–59 (In Russ.).

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Totals of work of AIRSC in 2018

UDC 635.153

V.I. Leunov, I.M. Konovalenko

An overview of the work of AIRSC in 2018, aimed at improving the current national legislation on seed production, identifying outdated and ineffective regulations that hinder the development of the industry, the removal of unnecessary bureaucratic barriers, is presented.

Keywords: seed production, legislation, AIRSC.

V.I. Leunov, DSc, prof., the chairman of board of directors of AIRSC, acting dean of department of agronomy and biotechnology, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. E-mail: leunov@mail.ru

I.M. Konovalenko, executive director of ANRSC. E-mail: info@anrsk.ru

  1. Federal law “On plant quarantine” of 21.07.2014 N 206-FZ (latest variant) [Web resource]. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_165795/. Access date:29.01.2019.
  2. Priority program “Reform of control and supervision activities” [Web resource]. URL: http://government.ru/projects/selection/655/. Access date: 29.01.2019.
  3. About establishment and abolition of quarantine phytosanitary zone, establishment and cancellation of quarantine phytosanitary regime, about imposition and removal of quarantine [Web resource]. URL: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/902090649. Access date: 29.01.2019.
  4. To set aside the Order of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia from July 1, 1997 N 306 “On the procedure of importation into the territory of the Russian Federation and export from the territory of the Russian Federation of seeds of plant varieties and breeding material of breeds” [Web resource]. URL: http://docs.pravo.ru/document/view/33615/37625/. Access date: 29.01.2019.
  5. Cancellation of the Order of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia No. 160 “On approval of the Rules of quarantine phytosanitary surveys” [Web resource]. URL: http://www.newpotatoes.ru/novosti/? ELEMENT_ID=31. Date of access: 29.01.2019.

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№2, 2019 en


Main topic

Domestic agricultural machinery is in priority. I.S. Butov P. 2 Continue reading

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Ecological and variety variability morphometric parameters of carrots seeds

UDC 581.16:581.48

A.F. Bukharov, D.N. Baleev, E.V. Kashnova, G.V. Kasaeva, M.I. Ivanova, O.A. Razin

The article is devoted to the study of the effect of varietal and environmental factors on the variability of morphometric (seed length, endosperm and germ) parameters of carrot seeds. The objects for the study were the original seeds of different varieties grown in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Seeds obtained from two varieties of carrots over the years of research differed significantly in the length of the seeds (P <0.001). The length of the endosperm varieties Boyarynya on average over the years of research was less (P <0.001) compared with Shantane 2461. The experiments were conducted in 2015-2017 at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station in the southern part of the Pervomaisky district of the Altai region. The prevailing soils are leached and ordinary chernozems. Experiment replication is 3, each repeatability consists at least 20 seeds. The measurement of the length of the seed and the endosperm was carried out with Vernier caliper (GOST 166-89), the length of the embryo was determined using microscope Mikromed and video-ocular DCM 300 MD. Seeds were soaked in 14% aqueous sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 h, and then measured the length of the seed, the endosperm and the embryo, and calculated the ratio of the length of the embryo (E) to the length of the endosperm (S). Embryo length was also significantly different (P <0.001) depending on the variety. The environmental factor had a significant impact on the length of the seed (P = 0.005) and endosperm (P = 0.003). The length of the embryo was mainly affected by the factor of the variety (P <0.001). The ratio of the embryo length to the endosperm length was largely influenced by the factor of the variety (P = 0.006). Our studies have shown that the variability of the morphometric parameters of seeds is due to both the influence of the variety and the conditions of the year of reproduction. In comparison with other elements of the seed, the embryo length varies more and depends more on the influence of the hereditary factor. This allows us to conclude about the possibility of a selection change in linear as well as relative sizes of the morphological elements of the seed.

Keywords: Daucus carota, varieties, ecological factor, morphometry, seed, endosperm, embryo.

A.F. Bukharov, DSc, head of laboratory of seed knowledge, ARRIVG - branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail: afb56@mail.ru

D.N. Baleev, PhD, leading research fellow of atomic and molecular regulation and breeding laboratory, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, senior research fellow of laboratory of seed knowledge, ARRIVG - branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail: dbaleev@gmail.com

M.I. Ivanova, DSc, professor RAS, head of laboratory of green crops breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG - branch of FSBSI FSVC, chief research fellow of department of plant resources, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. E-mail: ivanova_170@mail.ru

E.V. Kashnova, PhD, leading research fellow, West-Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station – the branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail: kashnova2017@yandex.ru

G.V. Kasaeva, junior research fellow, laboratory of root crops, West-Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station – the branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail: kasaevagalina@mail.ru.

O.A. Razin, PhD, leading research fellow, Breeding and Seed Growing Centre, FSBSI FSVC. E-mail: oleg.rasin@gmail.com.

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