Category Archives: Breeding and seed growing

Practical results of cooperation in tomato breeding

UDC 635.64:635–152 Maximov S.V., Bekov R.Kh.

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The potential of tomato seed productivity in the conditions of the CCR

UDC 631.531.01:635.64 Bukharov A.F., Sycheva S.V., Bukharova A.R., Vostrikov V.V.

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Application of the hybridization method for potato breeding in the conditions of the Omsk region

UDC 631.527:635.21 (571.13) Krasnikov S.N., Cheremisin A.I., Sogulyak S.V., Krasnikova O.V., Panteeva K.O.

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Development of domestic potato seed production: organizational structure and quality regulations (analytical review)

UDC 635.21:631.531 Anisimov B.V., Simakov E.A., Zhevora S.V.

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Problems of radish breeding and seed production

UDC 635.1:631.52 Yanaeva D.A., Khovrin A.N.

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New methods for determining the varietal qualities of seeds of agricultural plants within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union

UDC 631.53.01 Pylnev V.V., Berezkin A.N., Vertikova Е.А.

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Planting schemes in carrot seed production

UDC 635.132:631.526.32 Kosenko M.A., Ibragimbekov M.G., Khovrin A.N., Kornev A.V.

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Еducational programs on breeding, seed production and biotechnology in the RSAU–MTAA

UDC 635.11 Monakhos S.G., Vishnyakova A.V., Zubko O.N.

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Ways and results of researches on breeding of carrots

UDC 635–152 Khovrin A.N.

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Cleaning of hard-to-separate impurities from a pile of seeds to improve the sowing qualities

UDC 631.362.3 Yanchenko A.V., Azopkov M.I., Golubovich V.S., Men’shikh A.M., Fedosov A.Yu.

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