Identification of Сf-9 gene alleles of resistance to leaf mold in F1 tomato hybrids bred by Poisk Agrofirm

UDC 635.64:631:527:632.9

Eroshevskaya A.S., Egorova A.A., Milyukova N.A., Pyrsikov A.S. Continue reading

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Efficiency of germination inhibitors appliance by storage of potato varieties for various target uses

UDC 635.21:631.563

Maltsev S.V., Andrianov S.V., Mityushkin A.V. Continue reading

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Optimization of onion production technology under annual growing in Non-Chernozem zone

UDC 635.13: 631.331

Irkov I.I., Ibragimbekov M.G., Zaplatkin A.N., Bagrov R.A. Continue reading

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Modern mineral fertilizers PhosAgro on white cabbage in the open ground of Non-Chernozem zone

UDC 635.34:635.342

Peliy A.F., Dubrovskikh L.N., Sterkin M.V., Nadezhkin S.M. Continue reading

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Problems and challenges of the development of vegetable growing in the Novosibirsk region

UDC 635.21 (571.53)

Potapov N.A., Potapov P.N.

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UDC 635–153

Leunov V.I., Konovalenko I.M.

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№2, 2021en


Main topic

Malko A.M., Nikolaev Yu.N., Zhivykh A.V.,Gerasimenko O.A.

Activities of the consulting centres of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Rosselkhoztsentr» p. 3 Continue reading

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Cultivation of garlic planting material using organic fertilizers of the BIUD trademark and low-volume technology

UDC 635.262:631.8

Titov O.N., Murav’eva I.V., Azopkova M.A.

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Late ripe hybrid of white cabbage F1 Atlant

UDC 635.342:631.524.85

Kostenko G.A.
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Cherry tomato hybrids of the Poisk company in farms of the Rostov region

UDC 635.64:631.526.32

Tereshonkova T.A., Barbaritskaya I.V., Ognev V.V., Khovrin A.N.

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