Category Archives: Breeding and seed growing

Evaluation of the combining ability of black radish (Raphanus sativus L.) lines

UDC 635–152:631–52 Mironov A.A., Ushanov A.A., Chernova A.A.

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Comparative evaluation of new varieties of melon crops in the Volgograd region

UDC 635–615.611.624 Bocherova I.N., Suslova V.A., Kurunina D.P.

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Breeding of parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids for heated greenhouses

UDC 635.63:631.526.32 Chistyakova L.A., Baklanova O.V.

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Commercial seed production of sweet peppers in the open ground in the south of Russia

UDC 635.64:631.53.01 Ognev V.V., Chernova T.V., Kostenko A.N.

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Correlations in the breeding of parthenocarpic gherkin cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in the field

UDC 635.64:631.523 Ushanov A.A., Mironov A.A., Nguen T.G.

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Evaluation of new onion variety in a hybrid plot in the conditions of the Central strip of Russia

UDC 635.25 Ibragimbekov M.G., Davletbaeva O.R., Khovrin A.N.

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Sweet pepper varieties for Western Siberia

UDC 635.649 Antipova N.Yu., Kashnova E.V.

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Establishment of optimal terms and methods for growing seed fruits of the new line LZ-2513 squash in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan

UDC 631.53.04 Aripova Sh.R., Dusmuratova S.I.

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Testing of domestic white cabbage hybrids at different planting densities

UDC 635.342:631.524.85 Kostenko G.A., Khovrin A.N.

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The low-volume technology of Fitopyramida type and the potential of tomato hybrids of various commodity groups

UDC 631.234:631.589 Al’-Rukabi M.N.M., Leunov V.I., Tereshonkova T.A., Spasskii A.K.

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