Category Archives: Potato growing
The use of fertilizers in the cultivation of potatoes of various varieties in the meadow-chernozem soil of the Omsk region
UDC 633.49:631.526.32:631.022.3:631.445.4 Temereva I.V., Smirnova T.B., Stepanova T.Yu., Tolstoguzova T.T.
Technologies and techniques for irrigating potatoes in the Russian Federation
UDC 631.63.52 Ol’garenko G.V., Bulgakov V.I., Kapustina T.A., Medvedeva E.V.
Potato diseases: challenge – response
UDC 378: 632.3 Smirnov A.N., Vasil’chenko V.V., Amatkhanova F.Kh., Prikhod’ko E.S., Smirnova O.G., Kuznetsov S.A.
Modern phytopathogenic complex of potato diseases and measures to prevent their spread in Russia
UDC 635.21: 632.9 Belov D.A., Khiutti A.V.
Improvement of potato production technology by optimizing the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers
UDC 631.84:633.491 Petrov A.F.
Evaluation of different potato varieties for suitability for primary processing and vacuum packaging
UDC 635.21:631.526.32 (571.63) Volkov D.I., Kim I.V., Gisyuk A.A., Klykov A.G.
Productivity and quality characteristics of potato varieties in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region
UDC 635.21: 631.526.34 (571.1) Cheremisin A.I.
The effect of treatment with protective preparations on the preservation of food potatoes
UDC 635.21:631.563 Mudrechenko S.L., Maslovskii S.A., Karpova N.A., Shcheulova E.I., Shapovalova P.N., Salmina D.A., Mel’nikov E.K.
Methods and means for managing moisture supply regimes during potato growing
UDC 631.5:635.21 Kalinin A.B., Teplinskii I.Z.
Biological features and reaction of the Kumach potato variety to agricultural cultivation practices
UDC 635.21.631.526.32 Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I., Solomentsev P.V.