Category Archives: Vegetable growing
The complex effect of fertilizers and growth regulators on the yield and quality of vegetable crops
UDC 631–8 Borisov V.A., Bebris A.R., Kolomiets A.A., Uspenskaya O.N., Yanchenko E.V.
The effect of micronutrients and plant growth regulators on the yield and quality of cucumber
UDC 635.63:631.811.98 Korobeinikova O.V., Sokolova E.V., Merzlyakova V.M.
Inlay of vegetable seeds
UDC 632.981.5 Yanchenko A.V., Fedosov A.Yu., Men’shikh A.M., Azopkov M.I., Golubovich V.S.
The influence of bacterial preparations on the yield, quality and keeping quality of onion in an annual crop
UDC 635.64:631.82:632.67 Irkov I.I., Uspenskaya O.N.
Ecologization and mechanization of the production of vegetable crops, spicy-aromatic and medicinal plants in Belarus
UDC 365:631.5 (476) Autko A.A., Autko An.A., Butov I.S.
Effective vegetable growing on saline soils of the South of Russia
UDC 631.619 Butov I.S.
Features of Bandur herbicide on carrot crops application
UDC 635.132:632.954 Bernaz N.I., Irkov I.I., Azopkov M.I.
Biofungicides in vegetable crops of open field protection
UDC 635.1/.8:632.9 Alekseeva K.L.
Improving the technology of sweet pepper production in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia
UDC 631.649–15:631.84 (571.1) Petrov A.F.
White cabbage in vegetable crop rotations of Primorye region
UDC 635.1/.8:635.34+635.13+635.62+635.11:631.582 Sakara N.A., Leunov V.I., Tarasova T.S., Mikheev Y.G., Oznnbikhin V.I.