Tag Archives: yield

Jerusalem artichoke growing on salted soils of the south Aral sea region

UDC 631.5:635.24/575.172 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.18.2.004 Zhangabaeva A.S., Saitova A.K., Gafurova L.A., Mavlyanova R.F.

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Cultivars of potatoes for processing

UDC 635.21 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.74.19.007 Serderov V.K., Khanbabaev T.G., Serderova D.V.

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Efficiency of application of fertilizers in the cultivation of cabbage F1 Kontinent

UDC 635.342:631.8 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.50.79.006 Vasyuchkov I.Yu., Borisov V.A., Kostenko G.A.,Uspenskaya O.N., Kolomiets A.A.

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Improving the nutrition system in the cultivation of domestic hybrids of white cabbage

UDC 635.342:635.18:631.526.32 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.25.71.005 Virchenko I.I., Kostenko G.A.

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Diagnostics of mineral nutrition of beetroot on floodplain soils of non-Chernozem zone

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Variety testing of new varieties of red beet on different backgrounds of mineral nutrition

УДК 635.112:635–18:631.526.32 DOI:10.25630/PAV.2018.10.18445 Н.А. Фильрозе, Л.Н. Тимакова, В.А. Борисов, М.А. Долгополова В статье изложены результаты полевого опыта по влиянию различных доз минеральных удобрений на урожайность корнеплодов свеклы столовой новых сортов селекции ВНИИО – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦО. Дана сравнительная характеристика пяти … Continue reading

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Optimization of the composition of the substrate for the industrial cultivation of oyster mushrooms

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Diagnostics of mineral nutrition of carrots on floodplain soils of Non-Chernozem zone

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Results of vegetable turnip breeding for the non-Chernozem zone

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Breeding and seed growing of potato in the Kamchatka Territory

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