Author Archives: Саша Корнев

White cabbage in vegetable crop rotations of Primorye region

UDC 635.1/.8:635.34+635.13+635.62+635.11:631.582 Sakara N.A., Leunov V.I., Tarasova T.S., Mikheev Y.G., Oznnbikhin V.I.

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Vegetable and potato growing in Primorye region

UDC 571:150: 635.1/8:635:21 Bronts A.A., Sakara N.A., Sukhomirov G.I., Tarasova T.S., Trubitsin V.T., Morozov V.A., Sidorenko P.S., Oznobikhin V.I.

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Evaluation of the combining ability of black radish (Raphanus sativus L.) lines

UDC 635–152:631–52 Mironov A.A., Ushanov A.A., Chernova A.A.

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Comparative evaluation of new varieties of melon crops in the Volgograd region

UDC 635–615.611.624 Bocherova I.N., Suslova V.A., Kurunina D.P.

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Productivity and quality characteristics of potato varieties in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region

UDC 635.21: 631.526.34 (571.1) Cheremisin A.I.

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The effect of treatment with protective preparations on the preservation of food potatoes

UDC 635.21:631.563 Mudrechenko S.L., Maslovskii S.A., Karpova N.A., Shcheulova E.I., Shapovalova P.N., Salmina D.A., Mel’nikov E.K.

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The effectiveness of the use of mineral fertilizers and biocompost in the cultivation of new domestic hybrids of white cabbage

UDC 635.342:635–18 Virchenko I.I., Yanchenko E.V., Borisov V.A.

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Correlations in the breeding of parthenocarpic gherkin cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in the field

UDC 635.64:631.523 Ushanov A.A., Mironov A.A., Nguen T.G.

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Methods and means for managing moisture supply regimes during potato growing

UDC 631.5:635.21 Kalinin A.B., Teplinskii I.Z.

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Biological features and reaction of the Kumach potato variety to agricultural cultivation practices

UDC 635.21.631.526.32 Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I., Solomentsev P.V.

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