Development of the digital agrarian way of life in Belarus

UDC 005.591.6:631.152:631.6.02

Makrak S.V. Continue reading

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Planting schemes in carrot seed production

UDC 635.132:631.526.32

Kosenko M.A., Ibragimbekov M.G., Khovrin A.N., Kornev A.V. Continue reading

Posted in Breeding and seed growing | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

№9, 2022en


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There’s State support p. 3 Continue reading

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Еducational programs on breeding, seed production and biotechnology in the RSAU–MTAA

UDC 635.11

Monakhos S.G., Vishnyakova A.V., Zubko O.N. Continue reading

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Selective selection depending on of ecological and geographical conditions

UDC 635.21.52:631.95

Molyanov I.V., Semenov V.A., Gaizatulin A.S., Zharova V.A. Continue reading

Posted in Potato growing | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The effectiveness of the use of the drug NaturCover in the storage of food potatoes

UDC 635.21:631.563

Mudrechenko S.L., Maslovskii S.A., Soldatenko A.A., Tkachenko G.V., Karpova N.A., Shapovalova P.N. Continue reading

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Analysis of table beet production in Russia

UDC 635.11

Timakova L.N., Surikhina T.N. Continue reading

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Ways and results of researches on breeding of carrots

UDC 635–152

Khovrin A.N. Continue reading

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№8, 2022



State support to processing of crop production p. 3 Continue reading

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Cleaning of hard-to-separate impurities from a pile of seeds to improve the sowing qualities

UDC 631.362.3

Yanchenko A.V., Azopkov M.I., Golubovich V.S., Men’shikh A.M., Fedosov A.Yu. Continue reading

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