Effective vegetable growing on saline soils of the South of Russia

UDC 631.619

Butov I.S. Continue reading

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Terms of sowing of single-seed forms of table beet in seed production in the south of Russia

UDC 635.112:631.145:631.531.02

Yusupova L.A., Khovrin A.N., Timakova L.N. Continue reading

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№5, 2022en


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Towards isolated microspores culture of red beet

UDC 635.112:576

Grigolava T.R., Vishnyakova A.V., Monakhos S.G. Continue reading

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Potato diseases: challenge – response

UDC 378: 632.3

Smirnov A.N., Vasil’chenko V.V., Amatkhanova F.Kh., Prikhod’ko E.S., Smirnova O.G., Kuznetsov S.A. Continue reading

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Modern phytopathogenic complex of potato diseases and measures to prevent their spread in Russia

UDC 635.21: 632.9

Belov D.A., Khiutti A.V. Continue reading

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Features of Bandur herbicide on carrot crops application

UDC 635.132:632.954

Bernaz N.I., Irkov I.I., Azopkov M.I. Continue reading

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Biofungicides in vegetable crops of open field protection

UDC 635.1/.8:632.9

Alekseeva K.L. Continue reading

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Combination ability of the new source material of cabbage

UDC 635.342:631.524.85

Kostenko G.A.

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Improvement of potato production technology by optimizing the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers

UDC 631.84:633.491

Petrov A.F. Continue reading

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