Results of assessment of white cabbage and napa cabbage for resistance to diamondback moth and cabbage moth

UDC 635.33:632.78:632.938.1

Bagrov R.A., Deniskina N.F., Kostenko G.A. Continue reading

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Breeding a new original material of vegetable crops with valuable economic signs for conditions Primorsky Territory

UDC 635.11.631.52(571.63)

Mikheev Yu.G., Leunov V.I., Vanyushkina I.A., Kornilov A.S., Lapina N.V., Sinichenko N.A. Continue reading

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Assessment of the quality of beet varieties in the Moscow region

UDC 635.112:631.527

Timakova L.N., Borisov V.A., Filroze N.A, Uspenskaya O.N., Sokolova L.M. Continue reading

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Species composition and the number of aphids on seed potato in the Arkhangelsk region

UDC 577.21:576.314

Shamanin A.A., Popova L.A., Berim M.N., Golovina L.N. Continue reading

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Agricultural technologies and potato yield on sod-podzolic soils of the Upper Volga region

UDC 631.51: 631,82: 632.954

Borin A.A., Loshchinina A.E. Continue reading

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F1 Mustang – a new hybrid of carrots

UDC 635.132:631.526.32

Khovrin A.N., Kosenko M.A.

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№6, 2020en


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Factors which affect the effectiveness of pesticides p. 3 Continue reading

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Lettuce Poisk ST 16 for low-volume hydroponics in spring-summer rotation

UDC 635.52: 631.589.2

Antipova O.V., Davletbaeva O.R., Khovrin A.N., Ibragimbekov  M.G.

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Technological specifics of growing sweet pepper hybrids in the open ground

UDC 635.64: 631.67

Ognev V.V., Chernova T.V., Geraskina N.V., Avdeenko S.S., Kameneva V.K. Continue reading

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Variability of morphological parameters of seeds in varieties of carrots

UDC 635.132:631.581.15.5

Bukharov A.F., Baleev D.N., Mavrina P.O., Kornev A.V., Eremina N.A. Continue reading

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