Correlations in the breeding of parthenocarpic gherkin cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in the field

UDC 635.64:631.523

Ushanov A.A., Mironov A.A., Nguen T.G. Continue reading

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Methods and means for managing moisture supply regimes during potato growing

UDC 631.5:635.21

Kalinin A.B., Teplinskii I.Z. Continue reading

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Biological features and reaction of the Kumach potato variety to agricultural cultivation practices

UDC 635.21.631.526.32

Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I., Solomentsev P.V. Continue reading

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Pre-sale commodity refinement of potatoes and vegetable products: modern solutions

UDC 631.36

Mudrechenko S.L., Maslovskii S.A., Borisov V.A., Karpova N.A., Shapovalova P.N. Continue reading

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№1, 2022en


Editorial р. 3

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Evaluation of new onion variety in a hybrid plot in the conditions of the Central strip of Russia

UDC 635.25

Ibragimbekov M.G., Davletbaeva O.R., Khovrin A.N. Continue reading

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Sweet pepper varieties for Western Siberia

UDC 635.649

Antipova N.Yu., Kashnova E.V. Continue reading

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Establishment of optimal terms and methods for growing seed fruits of the new line LZ-2513 squash in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan

UDC 631.53.04

Aripova Sh.R., Dusmuratova S.I. Continue reading

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Agrotechnological passport of the potato variety Azart

UDC 635.21:631.526.32

Shabanov A.E., Kiselev A.I., Solomentsev P.V. Continue reading

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Responsiveness of cauliflower varieties to the use of biocompost and mineral fertilizers

UDC 635.35:631:82:631:86

Borisov V.A., Virchenko I.I., Yanchenko E.V., Uspenskaya O.N. Continue reading

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