Siliplant: impact on the intake and degradation of pesticides in potato protection

UDC 633.491: 631.8: 632.95

Dorozhkina L.A., Poddymkina L.M. Continue reading

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Treatment of vegetable seeds with hot water for disease control

UDC 635.153/632.93

Yanchenko A.V., Fedosov A.Yu., Men’shikh A.M., Azopkov M.I., Golubovich V.S. Continue reading

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Refinement of vegetables and potatoes: an example of the implementation of an investment project

UDC 635–156

Mudrechenko S.L., Maslovskiy S.A., Borisov V.A., Zamyatina M.E., Karpova N.A. Continue reading

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Rexy is a new medium-ripe variety of table carrots

UDC 635.132:631.526.32

Kosenko M.A., Khovrin A.N. Continue reading

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The use of a novel silicon-containing agrochemical produced by PhosAgro to potato in the Non‒Chernozem zone of Russia

UDC 631.82.635.21

Grankina A.O., Peliy A.F., Nosov V.V., Demidov D.V.,
Sterkin M.V
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Small-scale production of vegetables in the Stolin district of the Belarusian Polesie: vectors of sustainable development

UDC 635.1/.8:(476)

Velesnitskii V.M., Butov I.S.

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№6, 2021en


Main topic

Shneyder Yu.A., Karimova E.V., Prikhodko Yu.N., Lozovaya E.N., Zhivaeva T.S.

Tomato viruses especially dangerous for vegetable growing of Russia p. 3 Continue reading

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№5, 2021 en



Vegetable growing of Volgograd region p. 3 Continue reading

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The density of planting mini-tubers on the yield of the first field generation of original seed potatoes

UDC 635.21:631.532.2:631.55

Kolpakov N.A., Guseva K.Yu. Continue reading

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Creation of the source material of the table beet for breeding for split selection

UDC 635.11:275.222.52

Dolgopolova M.A., Timakova L.N. Continue reading

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