Author Archives: secretar
SCAR-marking application for genotyping of the Сf-9 locus in new tomato breeding accessions
UDC 632.4.01:577.21 Pyrsikov A.S., Milyukova N.A.
Photosynthetic activity and yield of potato varieties of different ripeness in a double cropping culture
UDC 631.491:631.559:631.52 Ostonakulov T.E., Shamsiev A.A.
New promising potato cultivars for various use in commercial production
UDC 635.21:631.526.32 Simakov E.A., Anisimov B.V., Mityushkin A.V., Zhuravlev A.A., Mityushkin Al-r V., Gaizatulin A.S., Semenov V.A., Zebrin S.N., Zhuk O.Yu.
Bioinsecticides for potato protection from the Colorado potato beetle
UDC 625.21:632.76:632.973.1 Alekseeva K.L., Bagrov R.A.
Efficiency of herbicides in garlic plantings
UDC 635.262:632.51:632.954 Bernaz N.I., A.V. Polyakov, Irkov I.I.
The size and growth trends of the leafy vegetable market
UDC 635.4:635.5:658.8 Ivanova M.I., Surikhina T.N.
Scorzonera is a functional product and raw material for the production of phytonutrients
UDC 635.166 Gish R.A.
Varietal response of table beet plants to the use of increasing doses of mineral fertilizers
UDC 635.11:631.82 Borisov V.A., Filroze N.A., Bebris A.R.
Features of cultivation of the medium-ripened table potato variety Plamya
UDC 635.21:631.526.32 Shabanov A.E., Abrosimov D.V., Solomentsev P.V.
Evaluation of hybrid combinations of onions with group resistance to diseases
UDC 631.526.325:635.25 Eidlin Ya.T., Monakhos G.F., Monakhos S.G.