Category Archives: Potato growing
Seed potato under summer planting
UDC 635.21:631.67 (470.44/.47) N.K. Dubrovin, T.V. Boeva, G.N. Kiseleva
Storage of seed potatoes using chemical and physical methods of influence on tubers
UDC 635.21:631.563 S.V. Maltsev, D.V. Abrosimov, O.V. Abashkin
Dynamics of Potato Virus Y disease on potato varieties in the field
UDC 633.11:632.488 Yu.S. Panycheva, D.M. Vasiliev, T.P. Suprunova, A.N. Sakharova, A.N. Ignatov
The reaction of new potato varieties in compacting planting
UDC 635.21:631.543.2 A.E. Shabanov, A.I. Kiselev
Improvement of potato cultivation technology in the precision farming system
UDC 633.491:631.84(470.31) A.I. Belenkov, E.V. Berezovskii, S.V. Zhelezova
Manifestation and risk of fungal pathocomplex from genera Fusarium and Alternaria on potato
УДК 635.21:632.4 E.S. Prikhodko, A.N. Smirnov
Probation of potato varieties in the Astrakhan region
УДК 635.21(470.46) T.V. Boeva, Sh. B. Bairambekov, A.S. Sokolov
Dynamics of species composition of potato pathogens in the European part of the Russian Federation.
УДК 633.11:632.488 A.N. Ignatov, J.V. Panycheva, M.V. Voronina, D.M. Vasiliev, F.S-U. Dzhalilov
Time, methods of planting and growth regulators as elements of resource-saving technology of potato growing
УДК 633.491 I.N. Romanova, S.E. Terentyev, M.I. Perepichai, K.V. Martynova
Zenkor Ultra, СS for carrots protection.
УДК: 635.132:632.954 N.I. Bernaz, V.S. Golubovich