Tag Archives: variety
Promising selection of onions in the South of Russia
UDC 631.527:635.25; 635.152:635.03; 635.1:635 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.56.26.001 Timoshenko I.V., Geraskina N.V., Rubtsov A.A., Stepanov N.N.
Ecological testing of samples of onion of domestic and foreign selection in annual culture in the conditions of the Moscow region
UDC 235.25:631.527 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.70.29.007 Davletbaeva O.R., Ibragimbekov M.G., Khovrin A.N., Rubtsov A.A.
Persistence of modern varieties and hybrids of carrots and its dependence on the biochemical composition
UDC 635.152:635.132 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.48.63.001 Yanchenko E.V.
Artemovets is a new potato cultivar bred in Far East of Russia
UDC 635. 21: 631.527 (571.63) https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.72.24.004 Sakara N.A., Leunov V.I., Tarasova T.S., Simakov E.A., Mityushkin A.V.
Agrotechnological passport of potato variety Vychegodsky
UDC 635.21:631.527 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.70.20.003 Tulinov A.G., Lobanov A.Yu., Shergina N.N., Kush A.A.
Quality of vacuum-packed potato in dependence of variety and applied mechanical tuber peeling systems
UDC 635.21:631.563 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.13.34.001 Maltsev S.V., Abrosimov D.V.
Assessment of the quality of beet varieties in the Moscow region
UDC 635.112:631.527 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.83.92.004 Timakova L.N., Borisov V.A., Filroze N.A, Uspenskaya O.N., Sokolova L.M.
Elizaveta, a new winter white cabbage cultivar
UDC 635.342; 631.527; 631.55 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.32.70.007 Kazakhmedov R.E., Kafarova N.М.
The effect of concentrate glauconitic sands on the productivity of potato
UDC 633.491 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.44.51.006 Dyikanova M.E., Ivashova O.N., Levshin A.G., Gasparyan I.N., Gasparyan Sh.V.
Promising varieties of beets on various backgrounds of mineral nutrition
UDC 635.112:631.8 https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.87.98.002 Timakova L.N., Borisov V.A., Fil’roze N.A.